Anyone who doesn't have a great time in San Francisco is pretty much dead to me.

My whole time at Dunbar, I've had great players around me. My teammates, my coaches.

If I have the opportunity, a massage or facial is a great way to take a little 'me time.'

I didn't chat with Vince McMahon all the time, but he always gave me great opportunities.

I have a great many shortcomings, but writing for something on time has never bothered me.

I want to do whatever people allow me to do with great people and have a great time doing it.

I loved being in Cambridge. I think about it often. It was this great little capsule of time to me.

I've got a small, loyal audience, which is great. And I appreciate that. They're there for me every time.

The most valuable thing to me seems to be time, and with time, I can be great. I have been... and I will be.

Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.

Playing for Barcelona's academy was a very important time for me and my career, as I learned a great deal here.

My career is over. I'm just playing now and having a great time. I like to keep busy, and I'm doing what's fun for me.

For a long time, I've had to hustle. If a film role is obviously great, then it's been difficult for me to get a look-in.

I feel thankful for the Seattle organization and the city. The fans embraced me right away, and I had a great time there.

Time means a great deal to every runner. It means everything to me, because most days miles don't count; only minutes do.

My dad took me to John Kennedy's inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country.

My schedule is very busy, but when I get time to sit and think about all the great things that have happened to me, it's just mind-blowing.

Guys who are unavailable are actually a dream come true for me because I'm unavailable all the time. It's great they're not down your throat.

I'm really in retirement. My career is over. I'm just playing now and having a great time. I like to keep busy, and I'm doing what's fun for me.

I was thrilled to hear Mick Jones wanted me to be involved in celebrating 40 years of Foreigner. I spent three years as their drummer and had a great time.

Every time I step on the pitch, I feel proud to play for my club and my country, so to get to show this pride through my boots has meant a great deal to me.

I'm great at telling stories with the kids. I do all my different accents. We make our own stories up all the time, the four of us, me and Hannah and the kids.

I certainly have a sliver of me, which is definitely American, and feels a great pull towards where I spent time when I was very young, which is in California.

New York is great, but I miss L.A. - I feel like there was something exotic about L.A. that I kind of underestimated at the time. It was very unfamiliar to me.

When I went to Europe for the first time, I went to Paris and then to Venice. So after Paris, Venice was my first great European city, and it just blew me away.

It was 1966 by the time I started taking pictures seriously and books, newspapers and magazines of the time were full of great pictures that helped to inspire me.

When I started on 'Roseanne,' it was a great achievement for me at the time. But I wasn't a part of building it; I wasn't a carpenter in creating that juggernaut.

To me, the stage is like my living room, or my home, and when you come over to my house, I have to be a hostess and invite you in so that we can have a great time.

I just think the time and where I was brought up had a great deal to do in giving me the ambition to kind of get out and do something and not go into the steel mill.

Having an audience is almost like plugging me into an electrical outlet. People feed me so much of their energy. We have a great time. It's all about the fellowship.

The problem for me is that 'Watchmen,' one of the great comics of all time, is a look at superheroes that has gone beyond the concept of or necessity for superheroes.

If I felt we had alienated the Unionists, it would worry me because we've spent a great deal of time trying to open up discussion and dialogue with the Unionist Parties.

School was great. There were no boys there, which didn't really bother me at the time because I had two brothers, so I was quite pleased not to spend any more time with boys.

The first time I heard Johnny play at the Fillmore East, I wasn't really impressed. He had come on the scene with everybody telling me how great he was, and I didn't hear it.

The fans have been great, they've stuck with me through a lot of hit-less years and I think they were as determined as I was that it was time to put an end to the lack of hits.

When we came into the studio I became more and more me, making the tracks and choosing the musicians, partly because a great deal of the time during Bridge, Artie wasn't there.

Time and time again I was told that I would never make the film on time and never make it on budget. That kind of criticism tends to turn me into a great big motor of efficiency.

I've been lucky to have great coaching, great teammates, and a desire to keep getting better. That, slowly over time, helped me grow from an average high school player to the NBA.

For the most part, I have a very manageable celebrity. People recognize me from time to time, and they usually say very appreciative things. It affords me a great deal of pleasure.

I was 17 and the whole thing was very confusing at the time. It was a great job and I loved it, and to lose the role was definitely tough for me. I was devastated when I lost the role.

It's true that players can take time to settle at a new club. I remember people telling me it took Patrice Evra and Nemanja Vidic a while - players who became great players for United.

I was totally dominated and revered my father. I admired everything he did. He was a great sports person. He loved me. I was his only boy at that time, before my brother Billy came along.

Because I'm not a spy in 'Spooks' and I'm not in every day I'm able to do other things, which is great fun because it breaks it all up for me and I get some time to spend with my daughter.

There's never a bad time to put earplugs in. They're the kind of thing you can reject as a bit lame, but somebody told me to do start wearing earplugs and it turned out to be great advice.

I got the feeling: It's time to do a Marco Polo story. I felt like everything was lining up right because long-form television series were becoming to me like the new great American novel.

I was making almost minimum wage on 'The Young and the Restless.' But it was my first job, so I accepted my first quote. I had a great time on it, and it obviously led me to better things.

I think Bellator is the place for me to hone my craft and they have a great selection of heavyweights here. They put on a great card every time so it's really exciting to be a part of that.

All of a sudden I had a baby, because it went really quick. It was like, 'Oh! I have a baby!' So, it's great. I'm just having a great time with my children. They're here in New York with me.

Capello put me behind Demetrio Albertini, so I had the right position. I had to follow him like a shadow. It was to learn the basics, but at the same time, it was also a great vote of confidence.

In the streets through which we passed, I must own the houses in general struck me as if they were dark and gloomy, and yet at the same time they also struck me as prodigiously great and majestic.

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