I'm not a token black guy.

I'm not just a token Muslim.

I haven't got a Cadillac. I've got a subway token.

Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine.

I don't care about money. If I need money, I just make a token.

I'm not an unkind person, but by the same token, I'm not a people-pleaser.

I think every stock in the world is going to end up being a security token.

My father was, like, the token bad white guy in all the old Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee films.

Ether is the token of the Ethereum network, which is focused on disrupting contract law.

I was the token bumpkin. It became, 'Let's get that Clark guy. He's easy to get along with.'

The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life.

A retentive memory may be a good thing, but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness.

I often find myself in situations where I am the token black person. It can feel like this enormous weight.

When you're reading, you're not where you are; you're in the book. By the same token, I can write anywhere.

There is no surer token of a little mind than to imagine that anything in the way of physical labor is dishonoring.

The token gay character is always so funny and so fantastic. That's happened a lot. Or they're often purely victims.

I was, like, this token teen angst child of Broadway. It's so funny. What is that? I don't even know. But I loved it.

Why would I want to walk the runway for a brand to be their token plus-size girl when they're not even making my size?

In my experience, as a young black artist, you have to fulfill an archetype, or be a token - and I was unwilling to do that.

The token itself is not your new business model. What the token enables for you and for your users is the key part to focus on.

Filecoin is a token with fundamental value. Filecoin is like Bitcoin, but miners amass hard drives instead of hashing computers.

So many times, you get sent scripts where it's, like, the token chick, where the woman is just there to serve the man in the film.

I want the troops from Great Britain and the U.S. to be successful, but by the same token, Afghanistan has always been a screw-up.

Usually when you're Asian and you're on set, you're the only Asian there. Either you're the token Asian or you're the Asian sidekick.

For me, awards are a token of respect that people are giving me. So no matter how many awards I am receiving, I always feel emotional.

I think most of the ICOs you're seeing are not real token use cases. They're really securities, so I think the SEC should regulate that.

I can't control the criticism. It's something you certainly don't appreciate, but by the same token, everybody is entitled to their opinion.

If prayer puts God to work on earth, then, by the same token, prayerlessness rules God out of the world's affairs and prevents Him from working.

I am most thankful to Almighty Providence for mercies received, and determined still to press the case into public notice as a token of gratitude.

A token like ethereum has gone up 10 times faster than bitcoin, and it's fueling an ICO bubble no different then the dot-com IPOs of the late '90s.

The true snob never rests; there is always a higher goal to attain, and there are, by the same token, always more and more people to look down upon.

My dad doesn't watch 'Coronation Street.' But my mum is a massive fan. I'd like to think my dad will watch it for a few token episodes, as I'm in it.

Owning a token bestows a right that results in product usage, a governance action, a given contribution, voting, or plain access to the product or market.

A token is not a short term carrot, nor a stick for that matter. Just having a token doesn't mean that you have a working business model attached with it.

If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they restrict the use of these programs.

I'm always excited when I make it on anyone's list - even if it's for affirmative action. My attitude is, 'Am I the token woman on this list? Because I'll take it.'

The poet's perfect expression is the token of a perfect experience; what he says in the best possible way he has felt in the best possible way, that is, completely.

I think there are a lot of good pieces that can be covered in 20 minutes that don't need an hour, but by the same token, there are things that need an hour or more.

I honestly never had the biological need to reproduce until I met my husband. But by the same token, even if we were unsuccessful, we were totally okay with adopting.

There are so many talented people in the world - black, white, yellow, whatever - and we want to tell stories, too. But oftentimes, we get the one token minority role.

My looks haven't prevented me from playing prostitutes or people broken by life. But when they need a token blonde with big breasts, that's OK, too. It's part of the game.

People love to see public figures get taken down a notch, and by the same token, everyone loves to be the center of attention, even when there's a target on their forehead.

Burgers and fries are an American staple. On the same token, my kids eat vegetables, and they always have eaten vegetables. They didn't have a choice but to eat vegetables.

My father leaving the family shaped who I was and how I looked at the world. By the same token, my father telling me fairy tales that he had made up shaped me profoundly, too.

The Republicans can send the nation into turmoil, but we will not come to any agreement that does not include new revenue - and not just token new revenue. It is their choice.

Some places that I have been, I have brought a token or some home from different places I have been. Some of them are around the house, and some of them are tucked away safely.

If your user base engagement is fledgeling, a token may not be the panacea unless it is properly threaded into the product, and user behavior is accompanying the token utility.

Something devastating can happen to you, and it can have positive consequences. By the same token, something fantastic can happen, and it can bring a lot of trouble. That's life.

Especially when you're queer and you're a person of color, you're so used to being the token on set. Inevitably you have to answer dumb questions from someone. You're the 'other.'

As with early internet startups, some token models don't make sense. For every 1 huge hit, there will be 3 minor successes and 100 failures, so we shouldn't be surprised when some fail.

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