Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases ...

Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.

Rugby takes its toll.

Travel takes a toll on you.

The game takes a toll on your body.

The business has taken a toll on me.

Being away from the game took a toll on my heart.

It took a toll when I couldn't see my mom as much.

This whole Puff Daddy thing has taken a toll on me.

Breastfeeding takes a toll on your body... your spirit.

GamerGate has had an almost indescribable toll on my family.

I'm like a toll booth. Sooner or later, you have to come to me.

Every story takes its toll on me and leaves an impression on me.

I played for 12, 13 years nonstop. That takes a toll on your body.

The toll of COVID-19 on the state of New Jersey cannot be understated.

These NBA seasons are such a grind; it really takes a toll on your body.

We can't deny the financial toll illegal immigrants take on our communities.

Being on tour really takes a toll, so you have to find ways to stay healthy.

But obviously captaincy is a long process. It takes its toll as time goes on.

It is my nature to strive to do my best. This does tend to take a toll on you.

Systemic racism always takes a toll, whether it be by bullet or by blood clot.

I saw firsthand the toll that fraud can take on the victims and their families.

When a person is juggling a lot of emotions in a single day, it can take a toll.

Serial murders are just the worst stories. It can take an emotional toll on you.

Making space to deal with the psychological toll of racism is absolutely necessary.

Being the one-woman label that I am takes a toll on you; you have to do everything.

You do what I did to my body, for as long as I did, and it's bound to take its toll.

The tax code can be used to eliminate the toll booths on the information superhighway.

We manage the fear, I manage the fear, but it certainly takes its toll, the strain does.

I think patients and doctors alike minimise the physical, emotional, and financial toll of IVF.

A lot of people don't realize the toll put on activists. There's a very draining element to it.

Lawyers (are) operators of the toll bridge across which anyone in search of justice has to pass.

I've been concussed I don't know how many times, yeah it's taken a pretty good toll on the body.

Today's gasoline prices are taking a severe toll on Americans' pocketbooks. Consumers are anxious.

I just want Texas to be number one in something other than executions, toll roads and property taxes.

I think I'm in better shape now than I was 10 years ago, but it takes a bigger toll - I get back pain!

Making a movie takes a toll on your life because it's a commitment, so you put a lot on the back burner.

With 'Noontide Toll', I wanted to cater to a single story but also collectively more than a single story.

All the work built my fame and certainly made me more money, but the toll it took in my home was not good.

The journey of shedding weight was tough, but the only good thing was it did not take a toll on my health.

I love to sew. But when it's something that's being repetitive over and over and over again, it takes a toll.

These big jumps take a big toll on the body, especially a young body. So, it's kind of risk or reward, I guess.

It's a lot to deal with someone who is going through mental health issues; that talk starts to take a toll on you.

Chemotherapy takes its toll; the more you keep doing it, you lose your energy, and it gets more difficult to swallow.

There's kind of a toll you have to pay with a cat; if you don't pet her for 10 minutes she'll bother you for six hours.

My back hurts real bad, every day. All those bumps took their toll. But life is good and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Doing comedy takes much lesser toll on you as a person. The overall exertion is not as much as a serious film like 'Pink.'

I'm not the type to lay out on the beach, but I do love to work out outside, and that can really take a toll on your skin!

Pakistan will never be able to match the Indian militarily, and the effort to do so is taking an immense toll on the society.

Films are fun, and I want to do comic roles. Daily soaps are interesting, too, but the travel to and from the sets takes a toll.

I had a spine problem. I did a lot of stunts and fights in Hindi cinema, had falls from horses... all that took a toll on my health.

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