I have a tough time judging myself.

I had a really tough time in high school.

I went through a tough time after leaving 'tennis.

I have a tough time turning my brain off, to be honest.

You know, I have a really tough time finding new bands.

I can relate when people are going through a tough time.

I love going to karaoke with friends if I'm having a really tough time.

A lot of musicians have a tough time hearing what we're doing in a trio format.

The first song I wrote was for my friend. She was going through a really tough time.

In our culture, when the parents are having a tough time, the grandparents take care of the kids.

To try to prey on athletes' livelihoods while one is going through a tough time is embarrassing to me.

I've always wanted to release a song that could actually touch someone and help them through a tough time.

I had a tough time 12 years ago getting 'Driving Miss Daisy' off the ground. Today, it would be impossible.

We may be in a tough time right now, but when we are in a tough time is when our movement gets really strong.

When you're having a tough time as a team, you all need to stay together - you can't start becoming individuals.

I have a tough time with stand-up because I am an improviser. I can riff; I can do crowd work, so I don't prepare.

It's pretty rare to just talk to people who are having a tough time in the economy, to hear their individual stories.

I really love to help kids that are struggling and going through a tough time, and I want to be a positive light on them.

One of my best friends had a tough time getting pregnant, and her situation had me really thinking about freezing my eggs.

When I was in Kansas City and having a tough time in my career, I decided to go to seminary to continue my spiritual growth.

That no-hitter stuff was a long time ago; I don't think that has anything to do with it. I'm just going through a tough time.

After the leg break it was a very tough time. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't sometimes thought about stopping playing football.

It's a very tough time for the playwright. Broadway has become almost a musical comedy theme park with all these long-running shows.

I think that everybody needs somebody to really look up to and know that even though you're going through a tough time, you'll get over it.

I never expected to join the ranks of commencement speakers, especially at my alma mater. I had a tough time there, left eagerly, and returned rarely.

We have fans that come up all the time and say, 'This song helped me through this tough time in my life' or whatever. The music helps us through it, too.

I always thought I had a problem socially, because I was pulled out of school so early. I had a tough time talking to other kids and being comfortable with them.

I had a tough time fitting in, as I guess most kids do. I felt like school was kind of a grand opportunity to figure yourself out and to figure out what you wanted.

Few years ago, I was one of the busiest actresses in Sandalwood, working round the clock. I was so busy that my assistants had a tough time adjusting to my hectic schedule.

I have family and friends who are strong Cardinal fans, and they are having a tough time since I signed. They want to root for me, but rooting for the Cubs is next to a sin.

I know so many people who've been through situations where they've gone from one career to another and have had such a tough time because they didn't have any support doing it.

It's a tough time my friends. We need to make sacrifices to ensure our troops have the tools they need in order to get the job done. This budget will help us win the War on Terror.

If you've ever lived in Chicago, anyone who has, they know what a winter in Chicago is like. To be going through a tough time here in the winter would be just be all the more worse.

People in Afghanistan want peace, including the Taliban. They're also people like we all are. They have families, they have relatives, they have children, they are suffering a tough time.

Working mums and stay-at-home mums get a tough time. You're damned if you do and damned if you son't. You just have to do what's right for you and not listen to what the mummy brigade say.

I have a tough time beating around the bush and just saying something you want to hear. I kind of say it how it is, even if I don't realize that's maybe not what I should say at the moment.

I don't fall in love easily. It's odd; one of the first things I think about when I go out with a woman is what it would be like to be married to her. And yet I have a tough time committing.

I've been in the entertainment industry - wresting, but the entertainment industry since 1989; if you have thin skin, you're going to have a tough time in this town, but I've got thick skin.

At a time of economic recession, the need for Medicaid and other safety net services is even greater. And we don't want to raise taxes on people who are having a tough time paying their bills.

When you're following people after their eviction, they often start out kind of optimistic, in a way - it's a really tough time, but it's also like a new start. Who knows where they might end up?

That's why I wanted to be part of this AIDS Project Los Angeles party. We help raise funds for those who are having a tough time with some very basic necessities, like shelter, food, and medical care.

With directing, you always have three or four things constantly on the go. It's a tough industry and a tough time, particularly if you're doing things a little outside the box or independent features.

I've had such a tough time making weight at 155 all the time. I'd make the weight, but I don't feel like the same kind of Sage. My power in my punches, my explosion, my speed - it just doesn't feel the same.

When the war started, we became refugees, and it was a really tough time. I was six years old. These were really hard times. I remember them vividly, but it's not something you want to remember or think about.

In school, I had a tough time fitting in, and dancing was my way of being in my own element. As a teenager, I became a bit disillusioned with it. Even with competitions, I'd win, but still there would be tears.

We need a broader party. If we're not doing better with millennials and women and Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans and others, we will have a tough time being a majority party at the national level.

The piano is the X factor. People have a tough time following the structures when there's no piano there, spelling it out. It makes it more easily understood, particularly to people who don't know as much about music.

I have decided to endorse Governor John Kasich for president because he is a leader who has a proven record of delivering results. John turned Ohio around at a tough time, and I believe he can do the same for our country.

Not getting girls is the story of my life. I have always had a bit of a tough time with the ladies. I don't know whether it's that I don't have game or just don't feel comfortable in my own skin, but females pick up on that.

In order to have the next generation of modems, you would need to pour in even more R&D spending. We came to the conclusion that we're going to have a tough time to really see that we are going to succeed in the modems business.

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