Toughness doesn't have to come in a pinstripe suit.

Toughness doesn't have to come in a pinstripe suit.

You have to be tough.

Nobody needs to worry about my toughness.

I suppose there is a lot of toughness in me.

I think rebounding is more heart and toughness.

I believe in my ability and my mental toughness.

Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one.

My toughness comes from just being from Philly, man.

Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.

Part of what we talk about is, toughness is a talent.

I'm not easily offended, and I have a certain toughness.

I bring toughness. I'm a leader. I bring defense as well.

I find industrial cities exciting. I like their toughness.

There's a grace about the South and a toughness about it, too.

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.

The Special Ops community has always been about mental toughness.

Defense is about will and effort and a certain toughness you have to have.

When you think about your heritage, you think about toughness and hard work.

Scars show toughness: that you've been through it, and you're still standing.

Team chemistry is what really matters, your team chemistry and team toughness.

I am a sweet old softy, but it took toughness to get through what I went through.

I have the Puerto Rico power and the Philadelphia toughness and Philadelphia skills.

As a goalkeeper, you've got to have mental toughness, and that's one thing I'm good at.

My biggest problem will be lack of match toughness but I am a positive, optimistic person.

Adrian Clayborn is somebody that relentlessly brings that attitude, energy, and toughness.

In the end I didn't get a top car any more. I had no toughness left. That was the reality.

I felt like the dark hair added like a toughness to my face also, which was really important.

Legs and athleticism are worth nothing without mental toughness. You also need to be stubborn.

Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening.

That attitude and toughness that we want to play with, that, to me, is the most critical thing.

You have to stick out the toughness of the business and form relationships with the people in it.

You need to be a complete fighter - the heart, the chin, the toughness. You've got to have it all.

My father believed in toughness, honesty, politeness and being on time. All very important lessons.

Creating success is tough. But keeping it is tougher. You have to keep producing, you can't ever stop.

The most interesting thing to me in chess are not the gambits. Or the moves. It's the mental toughness.

Get yourself prepared, educationally and emotionally, and develop mental toughness. Don't ever give up.

Being tough is probably the biggest thing that NFL players are known for, having that kind of toughness.

Brave men are all vertebrates; they have their softness on the surface and their toughness in the middle.

Curiosity, rationalization, and laziness are no match against courage, self-control, and mental toughness.

Philly guys have a different toughness from anybody you've probably ever met. That's what I hang my hat on.

Self-belief, I think, is my biggest strength. The mental toughness comes into play whenever the chips are down.

Football's not a bastion for toughness. It's not a bastion of anything uplifting or good for men or anybody else.

In terms of instilling the values of mental toughness and work ethic, discipline is the gift that keeps on giving.

Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of.

I think I have what a New York City point guard is made of: toughness, a lot of heart, and the ability to be a leader.

If you're running businesses anywhere in the world, people who really do well are the people who have mental toughness.

For me, mental toughness is the ability to stay focussed in the present irrespective of what is happening at the match.

Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.

I've been a longtime admirer of Condoleezza Rice, because I like her articulateness and style - her toughness and rigor.

Bone is one of the hardest structures of the animal body; it possesses also a certain degree of toughness and elasticity.

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