Sarcasm is a Manchester trait.

Nostalgia is a very human trait.

I dislike the trait of ungratefulness.

Leadership is a trait; it's not a skill.

Jealousy is the worst trait in any person.

I admire honesty more than any other trait.

Pride is about the ugliest trait somebody can have.

Each character represented a trait that resides in me.

Humility is not a trait I often associate with America.

To be honest, as an actor, job security is not a trait.

If there's a trait for not sleeping, I probably have it.

I think self-knowledge is the rarest trait in a human being.

No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place.

I think I was just born like that, a personality trait. I'm an observer.

To disregard the obvious is not a good trait in a leader in any situation.

Prejudice is a learned trait. You're not born prejudiced; you're taught it.

Clemency is the noblest trait which can reveal a true monarch to the world.

Good humor isn't a trait of character, it is an art which requires practice.

One trait of addictive families is that we never recognize our own addictions.

I think my biggest trait is to play extremely hard within the rules of the game.

I will try and become a very empathetic person because I do think that's a nice trait.

No human trait deserves less tolerance in everyday life, and gets less, than intolerance.

When I'm upset, everyone knows about it, and it's a selfish trait because everyone suffers.

I've always kind of been even-keeled. I think that's a good trait for a quarterback to have.

It is a beautiful trait in the lover's character, that they think no evil of the object loved.

I am man enough to be able to admit my own mistakes. I think that is an important trait to have.

They say multitasking is a female trait, but it's not about gender; it's about personality type.

My best personality trait that I think I'm very approachable. And my worst is that I can be moody.

I love the Chrisleys and Todd is hilarious in many ways and I love that. I think it's an important trait.

I build a wall around myself. I'm hard to get to know. Any trait you have, it gets worse as you go along.

Creativity is not a trait that we inherit in our genes or a blessing bestowed by the angels. It's a skill.

I'm not sensitive about my lisp, but a lot of people are, and it's not the type of trait people should mock.

I think probably the one trait that would concern me about brother Bing would be his lack of responsibility.

I don't know how smart I am. I just try to be what I am. I hope I'm modest. I think that's a desirable trait.

I have a suspicion of lockstep and everyone looking in the same direction: that's a key character trait in me.

I have been a very 'hyper boy' right from childhood. And while many liked that trait of mine, my friends didn't.

Some people thrive on creating chaos and then operating through it, though usually that's presented as a female trait.

The young people working for me are ambitious and hard-working. That work ethic has always been a trait of the British.

Dedication plays a key role and in 'India's Next Top Model,' that will be a major trait on which I will be judging the girls.

The music in my family has always been there; it's been quite an obvious trait that seems to have trickled down the bloodline.

I watch action movies, and you don't remember when Jason Statham does a kick or punch. It's character trait stuff you remember.

I was an observer. I liked to listen rather than openly express myself. This trait is something that I've retained over the years.

My experience is that aggression is a universal trait in human beings - girls feel it in any sort of environment, same-sex or co-ed.

One immutable trait of the gullible is that they are credulous to a fault. Though no-doubt well-meaning, the naive are Trump's base.

What is the thing that Hollywood demands most? Sincerity. No place in the world will pay such a high price for this admirable trait.

I have sporadic OCD cleaning moments around the house. But then I get lazy and I'm cured. It's a very inconsistent personality trait.

Look, there's no proof that athletes like us who may have higher testosterone levels are benefiting from this natural human body trait.

The individual's desire to dominate his environment is not a desirable trait in a society which every day grows more and more confining.

My most noticeable physical trait is, hands down, my hair. It's big, unruly and curly, and you can spot it from a mile away... literally.

If I ever loved a woman, the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her. Frida was only the most obvious victim of this disgusting trait.

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