Everything bad about France was transferred to Quebec.

Everyone is my equal, and that is transferred to my music.

I was a political science major before I transferred into film school.

When I was 7, we moved to New York because my dad's job was transferred.

Apartheid was in South Africa; now it has been transferred to Palestine.

I transferred schools in high school, so I've been the new girl on the block.

I was going from Furman to the University of Georgia. I transferred to play football.

My father, Orest, worked as a mechanic for the CNR and he got transferred to Dauphin from Winnipeg.

Everything goes fast in football. You can be transferred tomorrow, as you can be in one or two years.

I got my GED my senior year and ended up taking community college classes before I transferred to Bard.

I have no problem with Jurgen Klopp. In fact we have a great relationship, he transferred me from Mainz.

I started in college as a business major and finally transferred to home economics and studied making clothes.

I am opposed to abortion on demand, and I am opposed to the 1967 Act in Britain being transferred to the north.

I have seen pain. I can feel the pain of those who undergo it. Pain gets transferred to those who see someone suffering.

Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader.

Somehow, the things my mother wanted to do, the release in evangelism she sought with such frenzy, were transferred to me.

As the anti-slavery community, we must together ensure that this attention is transferred into concrete action and results.

'Dragnet' (the 1951 original, transferred nearly intact from radio) served as a veritable template for all cop shows to come.

Modern thought has transferred the spectral character of Death to the notion of time itself. Time has become Death triumphant over all.

By offshoring the production of their products, U.S. corporations transferred technology, physical plant, and business knowhow to China.

It's funny, there are so many women who are former executives and have taken all that stress and anxiety and transferred it onto their kids.

I spent a year at Southwestern Louisiana Institute, then transferred back to the University of Texas, where I majored in English and history.

'Skinned' tells the story of Lia, a young girl who has it all - until she nearly dies and has her consciousness transferred into a robot body.

Iran will be the most checked and inspected country if the principles agreed in Lausanne are transferred into the language of practical agreements.

My dad met my mom at Casper College in the orientation line. He studied business and eventually transferred to the University of Wyoming at Laramie.

Over these years, I have irrevocably transferred a significant part of the shareholding in Wipro, amounting to 39% of the shares of Wipro, to a trust.

Too many brands treat social media as a one way, broadcast channel, rather than a two-way dialogue through which emotional storytelling can be transferred.

I got nothing against the honest cop on the beat, the kind you can't buy. You just have to have them transferred someplace where they can't do you any harm.

In November, they transferred control of Abu Ghraib to the military intelligence command completely; it was, after all, the center for interrogations for Iraq.

I wanted to figure out how long to cook things. I did some experiments and then wrote a program using Mathematica to model how heat is transferred through food.

I was born in Cochin August 27, 1980. Since my father is in the Navy, he was often transferred to other cities. When I was nine years old, we moved on to New Delhi.

Films have become shorter in length, jumpier in style, and simpler in story so that they can be more easily transferred to once under-exploited international markets.

I dropped out of school for a semester, transferred to another college, switched to an art major, graduated, got married, and for a while worked as a graphic designer.

I went to the Westminster College for Men in Missouri, which is what it was called back then, and transferred to the University of Denver where I ultimately got my degree.

At the Norman Invasion, the Saxon thanes were themselves humbled in turn; the manors were given a more legal character and transferred to favourites of William the Conqueror.

The demand that school finances be transferred away from local school districts to the state and/or federal government has been a long-time favorite of the educationist lobbies.

From nuclear waste to Northern Rock and Metronet, risk is never transferred to the private sector - the state will always be forced to step in where there is a clear public interest.

The day after the prison was transferred to the military intelligence command, they had an entire battalion - 1,200, 1,500 soldiers - arrive at Abu Ghraib just for force protection alone.

The higher the temperature you use to cook, the faster energy is transferred, and the less evenly your meat cooks. Conversely, the more gently a steak is cooked, the more evenly it cooks.

In 1973, 'Sizwe Banzi is Dead' and 'The Island,' which I co-wrote with Athol Fugard and Winston Ntshona, transferred from The Royal Court Theatre to the Ambassadors Theatre in the West End.

The paintings are transferred from my computer to a disk, and I can hand it to the printer this way; or I can modem the painting to the printer over the phone lines from my house in Hawaii.

It's - as opposed to tape where you have a magnetic tape that's excited by frequencies that you hit, digital was a process where musical sounds are transferred to numbers and stored as numbers.

I remember being an art student and going to the Whitney in 1974 to see the exhibition of Jim Nutt, the Chicago imagist. It was then I transferred to school in Chicago, all because of that show.

The government, as a rule, discourages specialization: Military officers and diplomats are constantly transferred from one post to another, from one region to the next. Still, specialists do emerge.

I attended Florida State University on an academic and leadership scholarship, changed my major from biology to broadcasting, and transferred to the University of South Carolina for my last two years.

To the Christian Church, the destruction of the Temple served as an ultimate sign that the Jews were no longer God's chosen people, divine favor having now been transferred to a newer and better Israel.

As much as I transferred my mother to Elizabeth Shore of The Black Dahlia, as much as her dad mutated into an obsession with crime in general, well, I have thought about other things throughout the years.

Both parents worshiped individual achievement, but because of the Depression and the war, they never achieved what they wanted and deserved. So their ambition and high expectations were transferred to me.

My wealth came from growing businesses. I had wealth, but not liquidity. Basically I transferred illiquid shares of AIC for liquid shares of Manulife. Now I'm the biggest individual shareholder of Manulife.

My time at Barnard was fun but stressful. I transferred there from the acting conservatory at NYU, and my Rolling Around On the Floor Pretending to Be a Lion classes didn't translate into many academic credits.

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