It's important to find your tribe.

For the nation to live, the tribe must die.

People are longing for tribe and community.

Each tribe has its characteristics, it is true.

A Tribe Called Quest really made me want to rap.

No tribe unites with another of its own free will.

I would bump A Tribe Called Quest in my car all day.

There's such a thing as a tribe - and family of choice.

I love my tribe, the Maasai are very good people and humble.

From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.

I liked the Beastie Boys and A Tribe Called Quest and Cypress Hill.

Ultimately, we actually all belong to only one tribe, to Earthlings.

If you move between battalions, you are still within the same tribe.

As far as rap, I was more of a Mobb Deep guy rather than a Tribe guy.

Everybody wants to protect their own tribe, whether they are right or wrong.

I sailed around Europe and lived with the Karen tribe in Thailand for a month.

Flow Tribe is a great bunch of New Orleans guys who have that funkiness to them.

If a joke makes our tribe laugh, we assume it will make other friend-tribes laugh.

The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe.

An Indian tribe is sovereign to the extent that the U.S. permits it to be sovereign.

I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle.

I grew up two train stops from where A Tribe Called Quest grew up, and one stop from Nas.

I like tinkering with the tribe beat boxes and love using Reason as a beefed up beat box.

I didn't come from a very rigid background, where there's a clan or a tribe or a religion.

We all belong to a tribe. You might be a religious or a family person - that's your tribe.

I love Bruce Springsteen's writing, but I grew up on '90s hip hop, like Tribe Called Quest.

We have got to recognize the Mashpee tribe, their sovereignty, and their self-determination.

A Tribe Called Quest music was so inclusive, so conscious, it brought such a community together.

I came from an anxious, overly intense East Coast academic family. That was the way of our tribe.

Eventually, the tribe developed so much confidence in me that they invited me to be their chieftain.

There are other writers who try for subtle and minimalists effects, but I don't travel in that tribe.

It is not possible for one tribe to dominate another based on the way God has structured the country.

I'm really influenced by '90s hip hop. A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul were my heroes growing up.

We love what we love, and shared fandoms bring people of all ages and backgrounds into one great tribe.

I appreciate people who make hip-hop... the way A Tribe Called Quest and Lauryn Hill and KRS-One did it.

The chief of the tribe is supposed to be the father of all people of the tribe. That is the Haitian way.

Belief that your tribe is good and other tribes are evil is what everyone thought for most of human history.

Dying people in pre-industrial cultures typically died in the context of an extended family, clan, or tribe.

Men from my tribe in Sudan - the Dinka tribe - are very tall, so you could say I was born to play basketball.

People still kill in the name of religion. We haven't evolved to the point where we're one tribe called humans.

I grew up with a tribe of amazing women, but certainly my mother and my godmother really modeled women as actors.

My soul existed in an African vessel hundreds of years ago as the leader of a tribe, and my tribe fought for honor.

Suffering produces a recursion to the tribe, to one's own kind. When a lot of people suffer, tribes lose their head.

Politics feels, on what I have seen of it, like joining a tribe, and a lot of it is about unspoken ways of behaving.

Creditor. One of a tribe of savages dwelling beyond the Financial Straits and dreaded for their desolating incursions.

Regardless of what tribe people think they're in, we don't work in isolation as human beings, we want to do what's right.

'Spice Girls' is about unifying the world - every age, every gender, everyone. It's woman power, it's an essence, a tribe.

I think the Left doesn't know how to be a tribe in the way the Right does. The Left is very cannibalistic. It eats its own.

Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless.

In the earlier years of my career, I made my own attempts to fit in and be accepted as one of the tribe of Sand Hill Road guys.

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