I do like 'The Truman Show.'

I am the heterosexual Truman Capote.

Truman Capote is really an interesting cat.

Truman Capote was a magical, beautiful writer.

I loved Harry Truman with all my heart and soul.

Truman Capote has made lying an art. A minor art.

We support President Truman's civil rights program.

My life is not unlike Truman's. I can't go anywhere.

Everyone is against Harry (Truman) except the people.

Almost everything Truman did in foreign affairs I approve of.

Harry Truman wrote scathing letters, but he almost never sent them.

My favourite president, and the one I admired most, was Harry Truman.

My father's political heroes were Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

Before Truman, journalism and non-fiction weren't taken very seriously.

For The Truman Show, I worked for a few weeks, do my gig, then I was done.

Before Truman Capote, journalism and non-fiction weren't taken very seriously.

Will Truman will be on my epitaph, but as an actor, I have to challenge myself.

I went to a little liberal-arts college in Missouri called Truman State University.

The first election I remember was Dewey Truman in '48. I was, I guess, seven years old.

What happened to the America we grew up in, the America of Truman, Ike, JFK and Reagan?

My dream dinner party guests would be Ethel Kennedy, Truman Capote and Hunter S. Thompson.

I liked Truman very much. He was precise and businesslike. After a while, it was his turn.

Are there any writers on the literary scene whom I consider truly great? Yes: Truman Capote.

My favorite monologue in the book is Kate Harrington's story of her relationship with Truman.

[Truman Capote] was not only just selling his writing, but he was selling himself as a person.

I love Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Flannery O'Connor. I read a lot of American writers.

Jimmy Carter as President is like Truman Capote marrying Dolly Parton. The job is just too big for him.

I would like to say that no man ever was given finer cooperation than that given me by President Truman.

Despite its flaws, the American electoral system has produced Lincoln, the two Roosevelts, and Harry Truman.

My lasting impression of Truman Capote is that he was a terribly gentle, terribly sensitive, and terribly sad man.

The biggest blunder in the history of this country was when President Truman pulled General MacArthur out of China.

Trump has the opportunity to be the president who, like Harry Truman, redirected U.S. foreign policy for a generation.

When you first saw 'The Truman Show,' did anyone else walk around for the next week not picking your nose just in case?

There are examples of ex-presidents speaking out. Jimmy Carter has not held back on a variety of issues. Harry Truman didn't.

If Truman hadn't published 'Answered Prayers' in parts, he'd have had the drive to finish it. The peacocks took it away from him.

Some of our finest leaders were not intellectuals at all, and I admire them enormously because they weren't. Harry Truman wasn't.

Harry Truman, with what he did in dropping and having the guts to drop the bomb in 1944, saved - saved millions of American lives.

Harry S. Truman had his moods. His birthplace is the only tourist attraction in America where you don't see Japanese with cameras.

I would say that President Roosevelt probably was more intimately in touch with the press corps at the White House than President Truman was.

A great presidential address - Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Truman's Farewell Address, Kennedy's Inaugural Address - has the power to inspire.

President Truman made his name by looking into contracting. And that's how integrity within the military procurement started in the United States.

Yeah, my first love was 'The Simpsons,' but in terms of movies and stuff, I loved 'Back To The Future,' I loved 'Jurassic Park,' I loved 'The Truman Show.'

When Truman Capote wrote from the perspective of condemned murderers from a lower economic class than his own, he had some gall. But writing fiction takes gall.

It's hard these days to have a conversation, at least it is for me, about [Truman]Capote without "Good Night, and Good Luck" coming up in the same conversation.

I have three favorite politicians: Reagan, Truman, and Bobby Kennedy - Bobby for showing remarkable political courage despite being loathed by many on both sides.

I was in Independence, Missouri when Johnson signed the Medicare bill, with Truman standing there. Truman had first proposed Medicare, but couldn't get it through.

I've had to take roles that on purpose were not Will-like so that someone like 'The Hollywood Reporter' would write, 'McCormack shows great range; no Will Truman here.'

Nobody wants to hear that you met Harry Truman... I met Harry Truman... But you know what I mean? Nobody's interested. They want to know you met Rihanna. And that kills me.

Let me tell you the first president to recognize the state of Israel was Harry Truman, a Democrat and every president since, Democrat and Republican, has stood closely with Israel.

Presidents Truman and Nixon left office under dark clouds of scandal and with abysmal levels of support, but with the passage of time, both have been reassessed far more positively.

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