I have a hit TV show.

I love TV as a viewer.

TV is not a baby sitter.

I don't watch reality TV.

Tone is everything in TV.

TV is the best babysitter.

I wish I'd watched less TV.

I grew up on radio, not TV.

Reality TV is anything but.

I grew up in front of a TV.

I just wanted to sing on TV.

There's a lust to get on TV.

I don't watch much TV at all.

I'm not a big TV guy, though.

TV is what sells your product.

My day job is making TV shows.

I love trainwrecks on live TV.

TV is definitely easier hours.

I just don't watch a lot of TV.

The sun don't shine in your TV!

I hate making TV documentaries.

My TV ain't HD, that's too real

Can't sleep unless the TV is on.

Creativity is the opposite of TV

Don't let TV be a babysitter!!!!

I acted in millions of TV shows.

I like TV on demand and Cheetos.

TV is the rat race of the century.

I don't watch a lot of reality TV.

We'll bring out the Elvis TV trays.

I cringe when I watch myself on TV.

Internet TV is replacing linear TV.

I won’t sell my songs for no TV Ad.

There's a lot of great stuff on TV.

I have died in enough TV and films.

Reruns are my favorite things on TV.

Wrestling is realer than reality TV.

I'm completely done with reality TV.

Doing a half-hour TV show is a dream

I only watch TV when I go to hotels.

You know, a TV show is a slow build.

I watch TV all the time. Everything.

I think TV shows have usurped films!

I can't stand watching myself on TV.

I love trashy reality TV - all of it.

With my child, I hardly watch TV now.

I never really watched the TV series.

I wanted to throw my glass at the TV.

People only know what they see on TV.

I like TV. It all depends what it is.

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