I've always felt more at home in the UK than in France.

The UK desperately needs less government and freer markets.

I've always been inspired by a lot of work coming out of the UK.

All UK nuclear power stations should be shut down without delay.

But in the UK, I've given up any hope of being considered a director.

The thing about the UK is we don't really make that many great movies.

The UK public have repeatedly shown enormous generosity to those in need.

Over in the UK and in Wales, it's nice to turn on the TV and see 'Baywatch.'

There is no place in world where you can do higher education better than in the UK.

There's quite a stigma attached to country music in the UK - but I kind of enjoy that.

If you hear Anarchy in the UK today your hair stands on end. It gives you the shivers.

Carrick has a big cycling culture and I would compare it to the Isle of Man in the UK.

For the security of the UK, it matters a lot for Somalia to become a more stable place.

Born in the UK, brought up in Ghana, it was a sort of childhood of hardship and difficulty.

I campaigned for the UK to stay in the European Union but the country chose a different path.

I am keenly aware that I benefit from a wonderful tradition in the UK of designing and making.

I think 'ex-model,' especially in the UK, smacks of being shallow and stupid and having no soul.

A good proportion of foreign nationals in jobs in the UK are in semi or low-skilled occupations.

I want to go further and make the UK the easiest place in the world to invest in social enterprise.

More than 50% of significant new regulations that impact on business in the UK now emanate from the EU.

People knew that Murdoch's media estate in the UK was too powerful and it was doing very unpleasant things.

I'm no friend of Tony Blair's and I consider the Middle East policies of the United States and the UK fatal.

What do I miss about the UK? Sadly, almost nothing. Maybe the midnight sun, in June in the north. That's all.

It's an unfair comparison because when things are developed in the UK, they're developed at script stage only.

We are able to create incredible set-pieces here in the US that TV shows often don't have the resources to create in the UK.

I can carry a brand. I did it in the UK with an entire brand basically built around me, and my in-ring work speaks for itself.

People in Scotland want to have Scotland in the UK and the UK in the EU, and that's what the Liberal Democrats are arguing for.

Judging on 'The Voice' or the 'X Factor UK' would be great; that would be ideal, really. But I don't think it's going to happen.

If I had a weak ego, and doubts about this, the first genome would not yet have been completed with US and UK government funding.

In the rest of Europe, dance is seen as a sport and in the UK it's seen as an art. And art isn't subsidised in the same way sport is.

Over in the UK, the music press can be brutal. They can say wonderful things about you one week, and the next week, you're in the can.

The UK's most forward-thinking employers already know they need to attract, retain and promote the best talent - both male and female.

There is a legitimate role for development education in the UK, but I do not believe these projects give the taxpayer value for money.

Not only does the UK have the highest levels of regional inequality among the major economies, the imbalance is widening, not narrowing.

The UK has a poor investment record. According to IMF data, we have come seventh out of the top seven industrialised countries since 1999.

I'm happy in the UK. I absolutely love it and I've finally got a great group of friends. I've got a lovely little flat and my work's here.

I would like a UK fully engaged in Europe, but I can't decide in place of the British. I see that for the moment they want to be more in retreat.

The Netherlands and the UK are both seafaring nations and so our ability to create jobs and to generate future growth is built on the free market.

I have friends who've tried to break into the UK, who went back with their tails between their legs. Fortunately I've had the opposite experience.

I know what happens every time I get in front of a UK crowd - they just go nuts and they are so nice and excited and crazy and they won't sit down.

I did five movies in Australia, I did three films in Germany, this is the fourth film I've done here in the UK, I've done a bunch of films in Canada.

I don't deny that there are problems in the intelligence world, but I would argue that in the UK we try to uphold the highest standards in the world.

The UK downgrade will come as little surprise to many. It does not appear to be occurring because the UK is cutting its deficit too far and too fast.

Stark was my late Grandmother's maiden name. When I joined the acting union in the UK 'Oliver Jones' was taken so I had to come up with something else!

In the UK we have general elections roughly every four or five years because we know circumstances, situations and therefore opinions change over time.

I pretty much grew up when punk was big in the UK. The Sex Pistols were heroes for me. I used to run around like Johnny Rotten. I had a jacket like his.

I'm currently doing Undeclared an American TV show set in a college. It just got aired and got massive ratings so hopefully that'll screen in the UK soon.

I have no qualms about saying I am more confident in the medical treatment in America. The breast cancer survival rate is 20 per cent higher than in the UK.

I want the UK to be a global leader in developing and deploying technology, but I also want us to ensure that the benefits are fairly shared across society.

We didn't really expect to achieve anything outside of the UK, and it just went crazy. It's just crazy that people know our music. We're just humbled by it.

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