You don’t have to feel safe to feel unafraid.

Having courage does not mean we are unafraid.

Once I'm committed, I'm unafraid of the outcome.

I try to be unafraid of making a fool of myself.

As a writer, the best mindset is to be unafraid.

Living in Cuba made me unafraid of whatever could happen to me.

God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him.

It's great to play someone who's so unafraid of being who she is.

To accept whatever comes, regardless of the consequences, is to be unafraid.

I am a joyful conservative, unafraid to articulate big ideas with an optimistic smile.

The flower has opened, has been in the sun and is unafraid. I'm taking more chances; I'm bold and proud.

I think I have come across as "unafraid" because I really cannot control what comes through me in my writing.

In Mumbai, I found, people practiced a showy, demonstrative kind of love, one unafraid of affection or emotion.

With Gaga - she's not afraid to take chances. You get these dynamic projects because of it. She's completely unafraid.

To be one's self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.

CBS's Ed Murrow may have been over-celebrated as the principled observer for the masses, fair yet unafraid to take on the bullies.

I just loved playing a man who was unafraid of making an idiot of himself in the process of falling in love. I found that admirable.

The people of Oklahoma deserve better. We deserve leadership that's willing and unafraid to take a public stand against bigotry and bullying.

I chose to live my life unafraid even during times when I WAS afraid. I discovered that opportunities don't find you; you find your opportunities.

The most daunting challenges of our times, from climate change to the ageing population, demand an entrepreneurial state unafraid to take a gamble.

Even though I present myself at the height of glamour and beauty, part of my truth is being desperate and emotional and unafraid of being unattractive.

In comedy, you have to be unafraid to hang from the tree branch naked in the high wind and you have to be absolutely unafraid to look ridiculous and silly.

Media Matters hates anyone, black or white, who is independent and unafraid to speak the truth - because they are children of the lie. Their father is Satan.

I have a way of opening up people and gaining their trust. I think they can see my vulnerability because I'm unafraid to admit if something doesn't quite work.

What people are looking for are candidates and representatives that are going to work hard, tell it like it is. I'm unafraid to do things when it doesn't poll well.

As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights. He will be unafraid to set lofty goals, and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.

I feel myself becoming the fearless person I have dreamt of being. Have I arrived? No. But I'm constantly evolving and challenging myself to be unafraid to make mistakes.

I chose Anna as my wife because she is so kind yet so strong and challenges me to become a better person. She has a heart of gold and is unafraid about speaking to and living her values.

We are a people unafraid to welcome 'your tired, your poor, your huddled masses,' because we measure others by the quality of their hopes for the future, not by the circumstances of their birth.

I remember being home alone when I was about 13 and making a souffle from a recipe in one of my mother's old cookbooks. I approached it in a very unafraid way, and produced a rather beautiful one.

Some infrastructure projects clearly require massive, coordinated investment - interstate highways or a new trans-Hudson tunnel, for instance. Others don't have to. We should be unafraid of pilot projects and learning.

Your spouse, a sibling, a friend need to read your drafts. They have to be people unafraid to tell you what sucks. For early feedback, that's more important than professional editorial skill. Most people know what sucks.

I'm an enormous admirer of Christopher Lee. He's somebody, along with Vincent Price, who I celebrate, and I wanted my movies to show that celebration and that honoring of these great film stars that were unafraid to go into horror and Grand Guignol and the macabre.

Truth cannot be brought down; rather, the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountaintop to the valley. If you would attain to the mountaintop, you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices.

When I talk to students or young writers about the importance of being unafraid to take controversial positions, I'm struck by the degree to which they can't entertain a thought, much less commit one to paper, without imagining the cacophony of snark they'll get in response.

The 'good' mother, with her fixed smile, her rigidity, her goody-goody outlook, her obsession with unnecessary hygiene, is in fact a fool. It is the 'bad' mother, unafraid of a joke and a glass of wine, richly self-expressive, scornful of suburban values, who is, in reality, good.

I would listen to artists like My Chemical Romance, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Blink-182, Paramore... all these bands were so unafraid of being themselves. They talked about their problems and what was going on in their heads. It grabbed and latched on to me, and I felt like I could do that, too.

Corporations and special interests have their voice in Congress, and they have too many members scared of their power. What Congress needs is a progressive voice who is unafraid to take on these powerful interests - who is willing to fight for all Americans, not just the wealthiest 1 percent.

I think my performance in 'What's Love Got to Do With It' was powerful. I was so unafraid and confident. You know, it was the first mother of black Hollywood. I was Tina Turner's mama. That's what started it all. I had fallen in love right before that movie, and I had absolutely no fear in me.

There was no question that in our house doing well, doing it the right way, school, sports - there was an expectation. One of the things I've taken away from that is that I'm unafraid to expect a fair amount from people. It makes them so much better - you're doing them a disservice if you don't.

I think irony precludes really feeling deeply about anything. I just didn't want to be that kind of writer who found nothing that wasn't worth indictment. I admire Willa Cather so much because she was unafraid to have big feelings and put them on the page. I just want to be able to believe in things.

Mr. Christ, I read you as an infinitely patient entity who, as they say, often works in mysterious ways, a rebel unafraid to take the tougher, less traveled paths. Seems to me you're playing the long game. Is that why more states are coming out in favor of marriage equality? Is that why the Affordable Care Act is now with us?

What Hollywood truly wants is for people to be themselves. I think what it's designed for is to kind of turn people into something and just make them saleable. But what it really stands for, what it really loves, are people who are unafraid to be themselves, and as you can see, these are people who are excelling in their careers.

Roseanne was a huge groundbreaking comedian. Margaret Cho. Ellen DeGeneres, and then on 'Saturday Night Live,' the era of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler sort of helped to bring in an awareness of a new generation of women comedians, often women who were feminist in their comedy, who were unafraid - and this came from the genre of show that was emerging.

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