My personality is extremely unbalanced.

The course of unbalanced budgets is the road to ruin

I'm afraid of happy people. They're chemically unbalanced.

Can't he be lonely and unbalanced around someone else's girlfriend?

It's very unbalanced actually, to be real. Everything's like deserted.

They want to portray me as crazy, unhinged, unbalanced. OK, good, fine.

Preventing liquidation of an unbalanced market will leave you in tears.

To me, nature always appears more unbalanced than Gary Busey with a clogged Eustachian tube.

The people of Illinois sent me to Springfield to end the era of unbalanced budgets and runaway debt.

The scales of justice often, in my head, are unbalanced. And so my job is to try to balance out those scales.

I was definitely living fast. I was working, traveling a lot, playing. I didn't stop. It all became unbalanced.

A lot of actors I had worked with seemed mentally unbalanced. It's only a matter of time before I go nuts myself.

Too often, the landlord-tenant relationship is unbalanced with all the power on the side of unscrupulous landlords.

... it is possible for even the most deeply disturbed and desperately unbalanced among us to be a beautiful person.

One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your three closes friends; if they seem OK, then you're the one.

What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life.

We need to make sure that we're not in a society that is unbalanced and unfair and where the richest Americans are taking advantage of everybody else.

Idealistic reformers are dangerous because their idealism has no roots in love, but is simply a hysterical and unbalanced rage for order amidst their own chaos.

The NCI scientific programme leaders meet regularly to ensure that we are not ignoring highly original proposals and that we are not creating an unbalanced grant portfolio.

We all drive differently and have different styles. For me I need a car I can develop beneath me and feel comfortable in. If the car feels neutral and unbalanced it doesn't work for me.

Its beyond him now. its time for you to do you own thing." "My thing? my thing only worked if Grace was here to make it work. without Grace, i have an emotionally unbalanced wolf and a Volkswagen.

Any time you're a poster child for the CIA, there are a lot of people that are - either have ideological or they are mentally unbalanced - that are going to try to find you and perhaps cause you harm.

My grandmother Izzy taught me to balance her checkbook when I was 6 years old. She would sign the checks after I paid the bills. I had a chuckle with my grandmother recently on how 'unbalanced' her checkbook must have been years ago.

We use fashion for status and to beautify and there's nothing wrong with that, but when it becomes completely unbalanced, then you're living a decadent life. And when that happens on a global scale, you're living in a decadent world.

Picture books have terrible PR amongst the children of this country. Ask any librarian: after a certain age, children just aren't interested in the picture book section anymore. It's filled with moms, strollers, and unbalanced toddlers.

I think today the players are too nice to one another, but that might change with the unbalanced schedule, with teams playing each other more and more. When you face each other that much, with that much at stake, something's bound to happen.

I was given a life-size iron sculpture of a heron by a godparent. It was so poorly made, that it looked more like a pterodactyl and was so unbalanced that it would continue to topple over and create huge divots in my bedroom floor with its sharp beak.

The economy has become seriously unbalanced. Its growth has not been driven by investment or by overcoming Britain's long-standing weaknesses in investment and productivity, particularly skills. Instead, there has been a binge of debt-financed consumer spending.

When people chat to me about my childhood and getting into horses, they're like, 'Was it like the birds sang and the sun came out? Was it an amazing experience?' I'm like, 'No, it was rubbish. I was frightened. I was pretty unbalanced, and most ponies took advantage of me.'

I think, honestly, my largest concern, there are a lot of unbalanced people out there, and all of a sudden, I'm the CIA poster girl, and our home in Washington, the front door was about 20 feet from the street. I went to the agency at a certain point and asked for security on a residence.

I am a trained hypnotherapist, yes, but it's more like a guided meditation. Most of the people I take under struggle with stress in their lives and have unbalanced sleeping patterns, so what I do enables my patients to regain energy and peacefulness on a subconscious level which affects their conscious mind.

Here's what happens in a play. You get involved in a situation where something is unbalanced. If nothing's unbalanced, there's no reason to have a play. If Hamlet comes home from school, and his dad's not dead and asks him if he's had a good time, it's boring. But if something's unbalanced, it must be returned to order.

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