All birth is unwilling.

Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

Most men are unwilling to be taught.

Th' unwilling gratitude of base mankind!

I'm unwilling to eat food that has been adulterated.

I am unwilling to strip completely before the cameras.

It is sheer folly to take unwilling hounds to the chase.

The incompetent leading the unwilling to do the unnecessary.

Whoever is unwilling to help himself can be helped by no one.

Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.

God seems to be an unwilling participant in our efforts to pigeonhole Him.

Every tax or rate, forcibly taken from an unwilling person, is immoral and oppressive.

The international community is unwilling to accept the policies of the Iranian regime.

When the patient loves his disease, how unwilling he is to allow a remedy to be applied.

The Americans love me because I'm so completely unwilling to change my whole Britishness.

Rescue someone unwilling to look after himself, and he will cling to you like a dangerous illness.

The Hamas organization is unwilling to honor the obligations that the Palestinian Authority has signed.

If Ambassador Grenell is unwilling to refrain from political statements, he should be recalled immediately.

Men are so unwilling to displease a Prince, that it is as dangerous to inform him right, as to serve him wrong.

In every project I do, I'm unwilling to compromise my values and morals and ethics. That's very important to me.

People are unwilling to enforce the laws on the books. Instead, they make more laws. Why can't we get this right?

No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

Respondent would have us announce a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy. This we are quite unwilling to do.

Teleology is like a mistress to a biologist: he cannot live without her but he's unwilling to be seen with her in public.

Real change happens when you feel genuinely inspired, turned on by possibility and unwilling to settle for anything less.

In my experience, as a young black artist, you have to fulfill an archetype, or be a token - and I was unwilling to do that.

Do we fear terrorism so much that we throw out our Constitution, and are we unwilling and afraid to debate our Constitution?

Both sides of the aisle - Republican and Democrat - have been unwilling and afraid to address the deficit, and someone's got to.

When you scale up your business there will invariably be small groups of vested interests unwilling to see the new ground reality.

I was unwilling and we remain unwilling to be part of the problem. I was unwilling to be part of the problem just to get to the office.

The bottom line - customers want delicious food served quickly in an interactive format, and they are increasingly unwilling to compromise.

Crime takes place in every country. But it becomes abuse when the state is unwilling and unable to protect the life and honour of its citizens.

The economy of a novelist is a little like that of a careful housewife who is unwilling to throw away anything that might perhaps serve its turn.

You know, I'm not unwilling to listen to people just because where they're coming from. I'll listen to them, but I'm not going to be beholden to them.

Human nature is the same now as when Adam hid from the presence of God; the consciousness of wrong makes us unwilling to meet those whom we have offended.

Aid can work where there is good governance, and usually fails where governments are unable or unwilling to commit aid to improve the lives of their people.

If a slave is unwilling to go with his new master, he is whipped, or locked up in jail, until he consents to go, and promises not to run away during the year.

I think if there's any difference between me and a traditional CEO, it's that I've been unwilling to change myself or shape my personality around what's expected.

Nowhere is Universalism welcomed and encouraged by a people; everywhere governments have forced and are forcing Universalism upon unwilling and resistant subjects.

I believe that the great painters with their intellect as master have attempted to force this unwilling medium of paint and canvas into a record of their emotions.

If you're unwilling to try new things and to fail and learn, you don't have a shot. That doesn't mean you are going to be successful, but you have to try to change.

I was unwilling to - without getting too philosophical about it - I was unwilling to structure my spirituality in the way that the church wanted me to structure it.

To have a dutiful family, the father's principle of rule must be love, not fear. His sway must be gentle, or he will have only an unwilling and short-lived obedience.

There are many talented people who haven't fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious, and were unwilling to make the leap of faith.

The Navy has demonstrated time and again that it is unwilling to embrace innovative approaches that are both efficient and effective with regard to its force structure.

I find so much writing colourless, small in its means, unwilling to take stylistic risks. Often it goes wrong; I am not the one to judge. Sometimes, I hope, it goes right.

Clericalism has rendered some of Ireland's brightest, most privileged and powerful men either unwilling or unable to address the horrors cited in the Ryan and Murphy Reports.

As long as white newspapers were unwilling or unable to attack 'anti-Negro' forces or to air the views of black reformers, there was a service black newspapers could provide.

But he is unworthy the name of a minister of the gospel of peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his name cast out as evil, but also to die for the truths of the Lord Jesus.

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