My upbringing saved me.

I had a good upbringing.

I had a very rough upbringing.

I had a very modest upbringing.

We had a very strict upbringing.

Everything depends on upbringing.

I had a very difficult upbringing.

Singing has been part of my upbringing.

My upbringing was healthy and terrific.

My upbringing wasn't overly comfortable.

My upbringing as a child was very atypical.

I had a normal, nice upbringing in Cardiff.

A lot of my strength came from my upbringing.

I really did have a very egalitarian upbringing.

My mother insisted that I have a normal upbringing.

When I watch 'Glee', it reminds me of my upbringing.

We all have baggage from our upbringing! That's life!

That was my upbringing: you treat people with respect.

I had a strong, really good upbringing, not puritanical

I had a strong, really good upbringing, not puritanical.

We are such a product of our upbringing and environment.

Teachers shape so much of what a kid's upbringing can be.

I've had the hardest upbringing of any fighter in England.

I've come from a grounded family and had a good upbringing.

Actually, competitiveness was never part of our upbringing.

I came from a very military, Christian, Southern upbringing.

I've had an incredible upbringing, but it was quite chaotic.

I would love to write the story of my upbringing in Ireland.

Respect for women was a very important part of my upbringing.

I mean, I didn't have a huge upbringing with movies, I guess.

The Christian ethic played an essential part in my upbringing.

My upbringing was solid because of the people I had around me.

I am a family person. I thank my parents for their upbringing.

I had a very good upbringing, which I'm eternally grateful for.

I guess I had what you could call an unconventional upbringing.

I feel very American, but my upbringing was quite the opposite.

I was sucked into this vortex of a very conservative upbringing.

I think my sense of color I have got from my upbringing in Peru.

A lot of my upbringing was about denying or fretting or evading.

I've been very lucky - I don't come from a privileged upbringing.

My upbringing in Rampur has contributed a lot to what I am today.

I had such a pure upbringing - my childhood was a really happy time.

I spent my whole upbringing in sporting camps. I didn't do cotillion.

I'd had a vaguely Jewish upbringing, but no deep connection to faith.

Love and freedom are vital to the creation and upbringing of a child.

I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.

Yes, though I have nothing but gratitude for my upbringing in the church.

My upbringing was very straightforward suburban working class upbringing.

I learned from my Adventist upbringing that the biggest sins were sexual.

My upbringing is why I am the person I am today. I have very wise parents.

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