Human rights must work to uplift human dignity.

One man's uplift is another man's sentimental hooey.

Education and work are the levers to uplift a people.

There's nothing like music to relieve the soul and uplift it.

Sports uplift us. It's celebratory, gives us optimism and joy.

As I grew up, a lot of the music was made to uplift the spirit.

Us girls have to uplift one another rather than bring each other down.

We just want to uplift people, inspire people, and get people through their day.

My commitments are for Punjabi films - I want to work for the industry to uplift it.

Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.

I have great family and friends who constantly uplift me and make me feel good about myself.

The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.

Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create, to educate people on a larger level and to make a change.

I truly love everything about India. I love the fact I can uplift my soul, energy to higher heights.

Our music is a get-up music. Get you up music, uplift your spirit. That's what I'm trying to give you.

I don't think there's anything wrong with feminist uplift. That's how we got credit cards in our own name.

People use the notion of God to bully people and hurt people, when we can use the concept to respect and uplift.

To work with Miss Oprah has been amazing. To have her in my corner and inspire me and uplift me has been amazing.

I have to try and uplift the standard of living for the people in Zambia. If I cannot do that, I will have failed.

We're all affected by music. It has the power to inspire, uplift us, change our moods, and even alter consciousness.

Soybeans really need an uplift, being on the dull side, but, like dull people, respond readily to the right contacts.

There's nothing more special than talking in your community, and using your celebrity to uplift people and help them.

I wanted to use my fame and this face that everyone knows so well to help uplift and inspire people around the world.

It's truly important that we uplift those who use their skills to develop technology and ideas that benefit our world.

My feeling is that if you can make a big impact on the global literacy problem, you can uplift a big portion of society.

Over the years, I've found myself wishing sometimes my angel would show up. I could use a little uplift, a little reminder.

As strong, beautiful, powerful women like the WWE Divas are, we should always support each other and always uplift each other.

You want to live a life in which the things you have traded your hard-earned money for are quality items that really do uplift your life.

Yoga will uplift you if you are feeling sluggish or down, relax you if you feel high-strung, and soften your edges if you are feeling angry.

When we uplift artists who reflect diverse perspectives their stories not only tell us how people view others, but how they view themselves.

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.

Parents can plant magic in a child's mind through certain words spoken with some thrilling quality of voice, some uplift of the heart and spirit.

I'ma stay consistent. I'ma deliver. And I'ma keep using my platform to uplift people who I feel got what it take or deserve it or just - you feel me?

The Gregory Isaacs feel is universal, trying to uplift who I can uplift. I sing music on a worldwide basis. That is made to be accepted in thy sight.

Fashion should have a transgressive nature; it can make you feel like someone else, give you heightened emotion. It should bring you joy and uplift you.

We must use words to uplift and include. We can use our words to fight back against oppression and hate. But we must also channel our words into action.

It's important that we continue to uplift and strengthen our LGBTQ youth who are the future of our community and remind them that their voices are heard.

As long as the people in Flint need our help, we're going to be here. And our hands-on impact is needed to uplift the morale and bring people's spirits up.

I came to CSIR with a passion to apply all of my scientific - entrepreneurial talents to help uplift the masses of Indians through the delivery of technologies.

And I do believe that the way to change a society, to uplift people - not just their spirit, but to uplift their society and economic base - is through education.

Music is an extremely powerful force if used properly to uplift people. I believe music should be uplifting and not downgrading... it's a very, very powerful tool.

It's rather fun writing a female spy, because she has so much more kit. Bond never carried a hair dryer or a makeup bag. And he certainly didn't wear an uplift bra.

I just feel to be confident in yourself is to surround yourself with positive people, people that uplift you and are only here for what you do and love what you do.

'Take Me to the Alley' is about trying to uplift the lives of people who have been afflicted, maybe the homeless or somebody with an illness, or maybe they're refugees.

I uplift people and see the good in a bad situation. The worst is I'm very critical of myself. If I do a performance, I watch it 100 times afterwards and pick it apart.

I would love to keep playing roles where I get to inspire young women, and I get to uplift them and tell their stories and tell important stories that haven't been told.

Just as it is fire's nature to burn, it is meditation's nature to heal, to bring peace and uplift you beyond your worldly environment and transport you to a higher plane.

I think America is going to have to think through whether it wants to uplift the political dialogue or advance an approach that divides and, frankly, can lead to violence.

The same aspirations to celebrate and uplift the spirit that drove the Egyptians to build the pyramids are still driving us. The things we're doing differ only in magnitude.

The familiar can feel good - especially with so much uncertainty when we turn on the news. But it doesn't uplift us, challenge us, or inspire anew as truly original work can.

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