God uses whoever he wants.

Science always uses metaphor.

I think everyone uses Auto-Tune.

Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork?

Not every coach uses the same terminology.

The Amazon uses as much oxygen as it produces.

Nature uses as little as possible of anything.

I like a guy who uses his hips when he's dancing.

I like to be the only one who uses my toothbrush.

'Right' and 'wrong' aren't words a linguist uses.

Every writer uses his own way to motivate oneself.

God uses singers in a mighty way, and I am grateful.

Nature never uses prime numbers. But mathematicians do.

A writer uses a pen instead of a scalpel or blow torch.

I think that 'The Sopranos' uses music incredibly well.

I think anyone who uses the web is smart and will profit.

A really first-class company uses really fine stationery.

A weapon isn't good or bad, depends on the person who uses it.

Bitcoin is just one example of something that uses a blockchain.

The tragedy of war is that it uses man's best to do man's worst.

Depression is so smart - it uses all your references and patterns.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

The only sexual act that is sinful is the one that uses or abuses.

The mobile phone is not a toy; it's a device that uses radio waves.

A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges.

There is no Senate rule governing the proper uses of the filibuster.

There's great food everywhere, and even McDonald's uses nice wood now.

In France, I am just Madame Campbell. In Jamaica, nobody uses my title.

The gastric laboratory uses its protein ferment under an acid reaction.

When someone uses 'low eight figures,' that means barely eight figures.

A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.

The military never uses a full word if they can create an abbreviation.

I think anybody who uses email in the center of our life needs encryption.

I'm not saying my wife's a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer.

If a person uses the word 'sorry' loosely then of course it loses its value.

There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word 'homosexual.'

The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it.

I use Verizon. My wife uses Cingular. I also have an AT&T phone for the car.

Drake, the way he uses that Auto-Tune has always been attractive, hasn't it?

Every terrorist regime in the world uses isolation to break people's spirits.

Don't forget, God uses words to create the world. Words! Words are only hope.

Are you ready to have your mind blown? Sometimes Ron Howard uses swear words.

In Houston everyone owns guns and uses 'em - sometimes just for the hell of it.

I think God has some mechanism that he uses to punish those that make mistakes.

The mind uses its faculty for creativity only when experience forces it to do so.

Nature uses human imagination to lift her work of creation to even higher levels.

In 'Drama,' I play a flirtatious girl who uses her femininity to get things done.

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.

Vegetation is the basic instrument the creator uses to set all of nature in motion.

He uses statistics like a drunk uses lamp-posts, more for support than illumination.

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