I was working from a very early age.

I've been insane from a very early age.

I learned tolerance at a very early age.

I had the acting bug from a very early age.

I must confess, I was born at a very early age.

From a very early age, I wanted to fly aeroplanes.

I watched professional wrestling at a very early age.

I was imbued from a very early age with a sense of doom.

From a very early age, I knew I wanted to be Carl Denham.

I loved anything to do with animals from a very early age.

I was pretty much tap dancing for attention from a very early age.

I was very successful from a very early age, and I want to keep it.

From a very early age, I realized why I was put on this planet: to fight.

From a very early age, as far back as I can remember, I always played sports.

I didn't have a normal background - I was completely demented from a very early age!

I could read at a very early age and I loved stories, losing myself in stories, novels.

I understood food from a very early age. I understood the combination of ingredients very early.

You know, I'm gay and I grew up being aware of that at a very early age, in a fairly repressed family.

Although it is generally known, I think it's about time to announce that I was born at a very early age.

I started off from a very early age listening to music - all the usual cheesy stuff that little kids like.

This may sound strange, but at a very early age, at around 3, I was aware that I was smarter than the other kids.

From a very early age, I decided that I wanted to be able to do my music but still be able to live a normal life.

Drawing was a cheap way for me to express myself. It gave a focus to my thinking and my life from a very early age.

My father was from the South and turned me into a news junkie at a very early age. I would sit and watch TV with him.

I remember at a very early age ringing up record labels I found in the Yellow Pages, and asking them for a record deal.

I really believe I'm no different from anyone else. I just had a few challenges I had to learn from at a very early age.

When I was born, my mother was very disappointed. She wanted a son. I knew that from a very early age. So I was a tomboy.

I learned at a very early age, listening to those around my family, that in order to be a commander, you had to walk your post.

I was always made to work at a very early age. I finished school at 4 P.M. and by 5 P.M. I was working. It was seven days a week.

At a very early age I knew I wanted to be an actor and then more specifically that I wanted to be on Broadway and be in musicals.

I don't know if I was born weird. I think it's just that I was exposed to very strange things from a very early age by my brothers.

I knew from a very, very early age that I was gay, although in the social environment in Venezuela, you don't ever let that be known.

I realised from a very early age that God gave me a gift, and that gift was to run, and I wanted to use it to the best of my ability.

Even from a very early age, I knew I didn't want to miss out on anything life had to offer just because it might be considered dangerous.

I wanted to be a forest ranger or a coal man. At a very early age, I knew I didn't want to do what my dad did, which was work in an office.

The thing about talent is that it comes at different ages, sometimes at a very early age. That's when I find it to be the most challenging.

At a very early age and continuing throughout my life, I have marveled at the beautiful story of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

While we support the women who bravely face breast cancer treatments, we should also promote the prevention of breast cancer from a very early age.

I have been a believer in the magic of language since, at a very early age, I discovered that some words got me into trouble and others got me out.

I wanted to be an actress at a very early age and then decided to become an orthodontist after working in Dr. Richard Boyd's office in high school.

I was taught from a very early age that I had to work twice as hard to get half as much. That was the world I grew up in - a very strong work ethic.

It matters so much that from a very early age we encounter different kinds of different people, because that's what real life should be about as well.

I was indoctrinated into a Democratic Party cult from a very early age. But I know that's not the only America and we need to understand the other side.

I've known from a very early age that singing was what I was supposed to do. There was this unmistaken, undeniable passion within me to sing country music.

From a very early age I had imbibed the opinion that it was every man's duty to do all that lay in his power to leave his country as good as he had found it.

One of the tough things about being an actor, probably the hardest thing, is getting your foot in the door, and my father handled that for me at a very early age.

The things I wanted to do from a very early age - ie. get married and have children - precluded a lot of guys my own age from wanting to have anything to do with me.

I have been surrounded by artists and paintings throughout my life. My father Ted Dyer is an artist, and from a very early age I have spent time painting and drawing.

I was always a little bit afraid because I found out at a very early age that once you make a record, all the mistakes and all the good things are there for eternity.

When I was a little boy, I was fascinated by the way my dad used to laugh at the telly, and from a very early age, I had an idea of what was funny and why people laughed.

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