I'm a video game buff.

I'm a big video game fan.

I'm a big video game golfer!

Being in a video game just feels so cool.

War is not some sort of Nintendo video game.

I don't know how video game narrative works.

It's pretty cool to see yourself on a video game.

It's all so surreal seeing yourself in a video game.

I restore vintage Atari XY arcade video game machines.

I love video games. Me and Meth are video game addicts.

Having your own character in a video game is pretty cool.

I'm actually a really big board game and video game nerd.

There's so many kids who only know me from the video game.

I'm not a big video game dude though, but I like 'Madden.'

It's my dream to make learning as addictive as a video game.

The video game story-development process is incredibly broken.

I'm a video game fan. I played them before I became an actress.

I've always wanted to get involved with designing a video game.

I'm not a video game guy. I would rather throw around a football.

I used to be a video game freak, but I've kind of like eased back.

There's nothing more ridiculous than seeing yourself in a video game.

I mean, I'm on a comic book. I'm in a video game. This is not real life.

I'm a huge wrestling video game fan. I grew up on wrestling video games.

I used to work in the video game industry before I became a full-time writer.

I can kick your head off, but I can't, like, play a stupid little video game.

The little boy inside of all us men always loves something video game related.

People who liked the 'Arkham Asylum' video game can Google comics to download.

Reading 'The Last Days of Magic' is like playing a well-constructed video game.

I hope they make a video game of me. At least I wouldn't have any cellulite then.

I realize Twitter can be good, providing a video game of creativity for your brain.

Darren McCarty is a big video game guy, and he brings his systems with him on the road.

I'm such a video game fan that being able to do voices in video games is just fantastic.

Shelf-life for a regular video game usually is about three to five years, and that's it.

I'm such a huge sports video game fan. These games are getting so realistic, it's amazing.

Just being in a video game is an honor, and being on the cover, I can't really describe it.

It is really hard to make it convincing enough that you forget you are playing a video game.

I'm a video game fan, and I always thought it would be cool to be able to control a character.

I am really indoors-y. I am a video game and movie buff, and this keeps me in my little boy cave.

I don't know if this classifies as a video game, but I have a terrible obsession with Angry Birds.

As a matter of a fact, though, I've never actually played a video game where I've played as myself.

I did get a huge endorphin rush when I was able to crack a system because it was like a video game.

There's a sense of fiction in every video game. It creates a world for itself that you want to obey.

Sometimes, when you watch people play a video game, they seem lost in this wormhole, or in a trance.

Unlike other children, I did not get a branded video game. Mine was an open circuit that even buzzed.

If you're fortunate enough not to know, Gamergate is the misogynist hate group of the video game world.

For me, the very first video game I ever played would have been 'Return of the Jedi' on the Atari 2600.

I'm good but not great at 'Madden'. I have friends that their whole life is based around this video game.

Be it a video game, comic book, or cheque book, the question always is, 'What story do you have to tell?'

I studied video game design. The one thing I knew for sure about myself is I didn't want to study acting.

I always knew I wanted to be in the NBA and play myself in a video game. That was my goal when I was a kid.

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