I reveal too much of myself.

I restore vintage Atari XY arcade video game machines.

One of my very favorite television shows growing up was 'The Prisoner.'

What is interesting to me about Vikings is that they were failed farmers.

TV writing is tricky to navigate because you have so many different personalities - the actors, multiple producers.

Incarceration didnt change me. In many ways, incarceration galvanized me. The totality of the experience helped me.

When you're a writer, you pull your life into your work. My first love is cinema. That's where I want to be judged.

Incarceration didn't change me. In many ways, incarceration galvanized me. The totality of the experience helped me.

The basic philosophy of stoicism is that you have nothing real external to your own consciousness, that the only thing real is in fact your consciousness.

I've been playing the Wolfenstein games since I was a kid, and feel that their outlandish sensibility has deeply influenced my own writing and directing throughout my career.

TV is designed a certain way where you have three, four days on stage and three or four days out. You're basically making a feature every seven days. You have to shoot an hour's worth.

In some ways, I think 'Pulp Fiction' hurt cinema in a very, very minor, small way. It did a massive amount of good. But it also made it impossible to make a movie even remotely like it without someone comparing it to 'Pulp Fiction.'

In some ways, I think "Pulp Fiction" hurt cinema in a very, very minor, small way. It did a massive amount of good. But it also made it impossible to make a movie even remotely like it without someone comparing it to "Pulp Fiction".

'XIII' is a spy show. I think the comic book is a little too similar to 'The Bourne Identity.' I tried to take it away from that. I believe there was, many years ago, before the Bourne movies, a lawsuit that made it so they couldn't be published in English.

Bret Easton Ellis is a social satirist; I consider myself aligned with how he does things. Bret doesn't write about that which he loves about the world, he writes about what disgusts him. You'd be a disturbed individual if you came out and said, 'I love these characters'.

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