I love 'The Walking Dead.'

I really feed off of The Walking Dead.

I collected the 'Walking Dead' comics.

Don't you get it? We are The Walking Dead!

Fight despite the crowds of the walking dead

'The Walking Dead' is an extraordinary thing.

I did watch the whole run of 'The Walking Dead.'

I'm having way too much fun on 'The Walking Dead.'

The pain doesn't go away. You just make room for it.

If I'm grumpy I sure do enjoy writing The Walking Dead.

I love The Walking Dead. I’m a massive fan of that show.

I love 'The Walking Dead.' I'm a massive fan of that show.

I love my 'Walking Dead' family. This is the best job I ever had.

Tell everyone to vote: Tom Savini for Governor on 'The Walking Dead'!

I actually watch 'The Walking Dead.' I like 'The Walking Dead' a lot.

I've got a stack of the 'Walking Dead' comic books next to my bed here.

I love 'True Blood.' I love 'The Walking Dead.' Those are fantastic series.

The whole experience of being on The Walking Dead' is a singular experience.

'Fear the Walking Dead,' since its inception, has been a very inclusive show.

I would have loved to have been on 'The Walking Dead' longer, but it didn't happen.

'The Walking Dead' producers are really in touch, and appreciative, of their viewers.

People are always invading your personal space on set, especially on 'The Walking Dead.'

It's a really dark, emotionally wrenching world that we've created on 'The Walking Dead.'

Let's be honest: nothing spoils 'The Walking Dead' quite like watching 'The Walking Dead.'

But no matter what happens to the surviving humans, there will always be the walking dead.

I'm into zombie movies like 'World War Z' and the shows 'Breaking Bad' and 'The Walking Dead.'

I was ecstatic when 'The Walking Dead' came along. Merle Dixon was so perfectly adapted for me.

I'm on a never-ending quest to get back on a TV series, and I want to get on 'The Walking Dead.'

Things it is not polite to discuss at the dinner table: politics, religion, and the walking dead.

I think Walking Dead is more of a stretch for me because I'm a light hearted superhero kind of guy.

I eat 'The Walking Dead' like its made of brains. Can't even watch the show, I love the book so much.

Those unmindful when they hear, for all they make of their intelligence, may be regarded as the walking dead.

I wanna try doing a movie similar to 'The Walking Dead,' an action-horror, or something similar to 'Lara Croft.'

I love the Walking Dead, but I dont wanna be an actual prominent character on the show. I just wanna be a zombie.

I love the 'Walking Dead,' but I don't wanna be an actual prominent character on the show. I just wanna be a zombie.

My desire is to continue to make the audience proud of what's happening in the television world of 'The Walking Dead.'

I love 'The Walking Dead.' Steven Yeun who plays Glenn, is from Michigan and is a really close friend of mine as well.

I'm a big fan of a lot of graphic novels - 'Fables,' 'Y: The Last Man' and 'The Walking Dead,' which I like a lot more.

They walked through the rainy dark like gaunt ghosts, and Garraty didn't like to look at them. They were the walking dead.

'Walking Dead' has done great on Netflix, but to pay for the full output deal just to get 'Walking Dead' didn't make sense.

I watch 'Sons of Anarchy' and 'Game of Thrones' and 'The Walking Dead' and think, 'I want to create that kind of television!'

Because of 'World War Z' and 'The Walking Dead,' I can't pitch a modest little zombie film which is meant to be sociopolitical.

Any important series like 'Game of Thrones' or 'The Walking Dead' base their product around the characters and their background.

One of the things I've learned by working on the 'Walking Dead' and other TV shows is to be more tolerant of other people's process.

I've been watching 'Walking Dead' with my son, and there is absolutely nothing in there I find shocking, but it's cool, and I like it.

'The Wire' is similar to 'The Walking Dead' in so far as everybody pulling for everybody else to get to the turning point of the story.

I'm not really a zombie genre guy, I'm not particularly versed in it. Doing 'The Walking Dead' sort of turned me on to the whole thing.

I'm not really a zombie genre guy; I'm not particularly versed in it. Doing 'The Walking Dead' sort of turned me on to the whole thing.

I really got into 'The Walking Dead.' That was genius. And I have to say, my husband is on 'Shameless,' and I think it's a brilliant show.

There's this one show that I want to be in so badly. I'd try everything to get into 'The Walking Dead.' I don't even care if I'm a zombie.

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