From quiet homes and first beginning, out to the undiscovered ends, ...

From quiet homes and first beginning, out to the undiscovered ends, there's nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.

I don't wear jeans.

I don't wear heels.

I never wear leather.

I usually wear sweats.

When in doubt wear red.

I used to never wear red.

I always wear high heels.

I hardly wear any makeup.

I don't wear plaid shirts.

I wear frayed khaki pants.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I always wear my dad's shirts.

I don't wear socks with loafers!

I don't give a damn what I wear.

I don't wear mascara. No mascara.

I never wear the same shoe twice.

When in doubt, always wear black.

Wear your diamonds on the inside.

I never wear white or black socks.

I'd rather go naked than wear fur.

I only wear underwear from Target.

I pretty much only wear high heels.

Dare to wear the foolish clown face.

We forge the chains we wear in life.

Life's too short to wear high heels.

I do wear weaves and I do wear wigs.

I wear a lot of black. Like my heart.

I don't wear slacks, but I Iike jeans.

Wear the old coat and buy the new book.

I like everything I wear to be in sync.

It is better to rust out than wear out.

I'd much rather wear out than rust out.

I'm like Johnny Cash. I only wear black.

Never wear anything that panics the cat.

Honesty is something you can't wear out.

To wear a floral shirt is an experience.

Sometimes you have to wear what you want.

Wear your heart on your skin in this life.

Drip is your attire, the clothes you wear.

Always wear expensive shoes. People notice.

I don't wear any jewellery or gold at home.

Men like me because I don't wear a brassiere.

If you want to make a statement, wear purple.

I was the first to wear colored skinny jeans.

If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress.

I'm so Omaha that I wear 'OMAHA' on my trunks.

I have jeggings to wear and worlds to conquer.

I'll definitely wear orange on the red carpet!

I'm always proud to wear the colours of Spain.

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