The greatest hits in some weird way marks the end of something.

Canadians have this weird way about them where we really stick together.

It's good as an artist to always remember to see things in a new, weird way.

When I look at it now, the whole punk thing is sort of comedy in a weird way.

In a weird way, I live vicariously through the characters I play as an actor.

In a weird way, I'm a good target for the government, because I can push back.

I am more into guys' fashion, but I'm inspired by women's fashion in a weird way.

As I said, men value their independence in a weird way, above practically everything.

Everyone finds my work super sad. I never do. I always find it uplifting in a weird way.

In a weird way, the drama behind the stage was sort of keeping 'Community' on people's minds.

When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it's a point of pride in a weird way.

In a weird way, when I was looking back, I didn't know I was going to be a director until I was.

I think in a weird way that the entertainment industry is strangely more brutally honest than any other.

In a weird way, I like to find the quirkiness in ordinary things. I like to find what is ordinary in quirky people.

People who are deep thinkers, who have sort of a weird way of looking at the universe, are wildly attractive to me.

I actually have a thing about proper nouns. They clang on my ear in a weird way when I hear them dropped into movies.

I found my own voice slowly. I don't do big tricks like Mariah Carey, so I've found this weird way of singing that works for me.

I think that as soon as you think of yourself as a famous person or anything like that, you're objectifying yourself in some weird way.

That's the way a musician is. You're isolated, in a weird way, because music is haunting you as much as it's loving you. It's non-stop.

I try to take whatever I can from the songs I grew up listening to, these vibed-out pop numbers, and make them my own in some weird way.

I think, in a weird way, the reason I was drawn to screenwriting and the reason I really love doing it is because I love writing dialogue.

Women have that weird way of trying to be feminist. You know, like 'hear me roar.' But what they really want is a man to open the door for them.

In a weird way, I'm always going to ground myself. I'm an insecure kind of pessimist, but I'm always kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I actually think of being funny as an odd turn of mind, like a mild disability, some weird way of looking at the world that you can't get rid of.

I watched 'Dexter,' but it ended in a really weird way. I think it's going to start over again because he's a new character; he's like a fisherman.

In a weird way, fashion, which is frivolous to the core, shouldn't be taken seriously, but thank God people do: it makes for great people-watching.

Graffiti has an interesting relationship to the broader world of hip-hop: It's part of the culture, but also in a weird way a stepchild of the culture.

The way I write is that I'll actually have a conversation out loud with myself. In a weird way, I just kind of get schizophrenic and play two characters.

'Borne,' in a weird way, even though it's a totally different universe, picks up where the 'Southern Reach Trilogy' leaves off, because it's post-apocalyptic.

I love sportswear in my own weird way. Fashion is such a personal journey for me. I'm much more of a girl that's a T-shirt, legging, layering kind of thing, and outerwear.

I followed Evan's career through the '90s and went to many Lemonheads concerts in N.Y.C. Since he was my best friend's family, he always felt like my family in a weird way.

'The River Wild' was great, with Meryl Streep. That guy was really a bad dude who was ultimately sort of fundamentally impotent in a weird way. That was kind of interesting.

I love rapping. I do. My styling's similar to Missy Elliott - I think she's so dope. In a weird way, that's how I first learned the American accent: doing American rap songs.

It drove me as a kid. I couldn't bear the idea that I wasn't the smartest. Then I got put in a B stream for four years at my school. And that was the making of me in a weird way.

I read in a weird way. It comes in waves, and then I start, like, five different books at once. It takes me six months to a year to finish them all, since I read mostly on planes.

I love rap, and part of hip-hop culture is being excessive and absurd, and I can't be excessive and absurd without sounding corny. So I have to do it in a very truthful, weird way.

Before I got into acting, I was always interested in psychology, which I think is very common with a lot of actors because in a weird way, psychology and acting kind of seem interwoven.

Once a year my back will go out and it'll be... it's like a sciatic thing and it's the smallest thing. Like I could be leaning over the sink to brush my teeth in a weird way and it happens.

In a weird way, our satirists probably have the most complicated, nuanced views of our politics now - Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver. I don't know what that says about our country.

Going on tour for 10 years straight and playing 200-plus shows a year, you can't ever come back from that mentally. You're twisted in a weird way where you need that in order to be a person still.

In a weird way, I think I'm much better at oneshots than longform. So I try to focus on five or six-issue arcs. I have a real fondness for the one-shots because that's where I do my best storytelling.

I've got Asperger's syndrome and I'm not a very good people person, so I've always been more comfortable around machinery. Not in a weird way - I don't want to marry my car or anything stupid like that!

Even the closest relationships that I have I know could potentially fall away. That's not to speak pessimistically or negatively about those relationships. In a weird way, it's the opposite. I value them.

Little remnants from everywhere I've been are scattered around my home. I collect rocks in a weird way, with stones from around the world as mementos. I've also got three haranas, which are little guitars.

I've always loved sports and hockey is a sport I play as much as I can. I love it. In a weird way it's like church and therapy and exercise all rolled up into one. I mean when I play hockey I don't think about anything.

In a weird way, if you look at all the 'Apes' movies, they all seem like different stories in the same universe. 'Beneath the Planet of the Apes' is definitely a continuation, but the other ones jump all around chronologically.

I didn't know that women go through a vocal change, which is called 'thickening'. Basically, it's like when your body gets ready for childbirth, and so it just grows in a weird way. When I figured that out, I was frustrated with it.

I did 'Malice,' 'Sommersby,' and 'Sleepless in Seattle,' and they're as disparate characters as I've ever played. But somehow, there was that thing - they were all second male leads, so they all didn't get the girl in some weird way.

I think part of the reason ideas haven't come in is that the world of cinema is changing so drastically, and in a weird way, feature films I think have become cheap. Everything is kind of throwaway. It's experienced and then forgotten.

It's weird to see the parallel between 'Gilmore Girls' and a lot of the Comic-Con-type, sci-fi-fantasy fans. In a weird way, even though 'Gilmore Girls' is not in that genre, the way the fandom conducts itself and has created this community is similar.

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