Whatever it takes to win.

Whatever it takes its fine.

Whatever it takes to break you.

I'll do whatever it takes to win.

I can do whatever it takes to win.

I'll protect my Clan, whatever it takes.

Do whatever it takes to convey your essential self.

I will do whatever it takes to win a football match.

We have to be willing to do whatever it takes to win.

I will never relent in defending America - whatever it takes.

I'll do whatever it takes for a movie. I don't really care what that is.

We're on a hunt, Cooper. When you're on a hunt, you do whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes for you to find your freedom, that's what you've lived.

The object is to make a great record and you have to do whatever it takes.

I personally prefer being a blonde, but whatever it takes for the character.

The point, do whatever it take to approach the Word with a fresh perspective.

Whatever it takes to make you more secure with yourself, you can learn to do it.

Whatever it takes to stop someone from abusing animals is certainly morally acceptable

Whatever I can do to win, I'll do it, even if I have to get hit by a pitch, whatever it takes.

In order to accomplish something, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

I love my son more than anything. I will do whatever it takes to make sure he is raised the right way.

Love does whatever it takes to multiply itself and somehow along the way everyone becomes a part of it.

If you're interested, you will do what is convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes.

I'm a guy that wants the movie to work. So whatever it takes or whatever you got to do - I'm happy to do.

If you sit on, sleep on, stare at, or touch something for more than an hour a day, spend whatever it takes to get the best.

As commander-in-chief, I will do whatever it takes to defend America. But in defending America, we cannot lose what America stands for.

Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished.

Sometimes, you turn back. Sometimes, you walk away. And sometimes, you find the place you're meant to be, and you stay there. You find a way to make it work. Whatever it takes.

Xavier: They, whoever they are, shouldn't have control over our lives. I'm not about to lose you. I've been through that before, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I've argued that Trump's biggest success in his first 100 days was to keep the Russia story at bay, toss out whatever it takes to push the story back, including those false charges that Obama had his wires tapped.

Whatever it takes to get you where you need to be, there's nothing wrong with the method acting or having to growl and bang your head in a corner and get into the moment and work yourself into a lather - if that's what it takes, so be it.

Ritsu: Please, Onii-san, please write with takoyaki power! Mitsuru: Yes, sensei! With ikyayaki or takoyaki or whatever it takes! Write quickly, without hesitation! Ah... Um... W-what is takoyaki power? Ritsu: Well, that is--! When Shigure-niisan eats takoyaki, he transforms into a great warrior... Shigure: No I don't.

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