I'm a natural blonde!

I hate being a blonde.

Gentlemen prefer blondes.

Nobody likes my hair blonde!

The Blonde Salad never stops!

Mr. Tall, Blonde and Lightning

I like to feel blonde all over.

Everybody is a dumb blonde at heart.

Well, whatever I am, I am the blonde!

God is a gentleman. He prefers blondes

I've never been a fluffy sort of woman.

I had a blonde perm when I was a teenager.

I am a natural blonde, but not this blonde.

Ditzy dumb blonde? I can be ditzy. I can be.

The 1980s was the era of the blonde cheerleader.

I may be a dumb blonde, but I'm not that blonde.

He looked rather pleasantly, like a blonde satan.

I'm a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette.

It is possible that blondes also prefer gentleman.

Going blonde is like buying yourself a light bulb!

Blonde is dumb comedy, red hair is smart, sexy comedy.

Just like I feel like I'm from New Jersey, I'm blonde.

I see L.A. as a beautiful blonde with dirty underwear.

Dylan doesn't have to make Blonde On Blonde every time.

If I have only one life . . . let me live it as a blonde.

My hair is naturally blonde... Just for the record. ~ Jace

There's only one sort of natural blonde on earth - albinos.

Do I look like I know how to twerk? I'm a small blonde boy.

Her hair that lay along her back Was yellow like ripe corn.

Because I was the blonde, I was promoted as the video vixen.

If Amy Winehouse was a beehive, then I guess I'm a blonde bob.

If I was tall and blonde, I might have been a dancer or singer.

"Legally Blonde 2" wasn't written specifically for a black woman.

But now that I'm a blonde, guys are so blatant about coming on to me.

If gentlemen prefer blondes then I'm a blonde that prefers gentlemen.

She was what we used to call a suicide blonde - dyed by her own hand.

When I was blonde I was perceived as an innocent and sweet young girl.

I dyed my hair blonde in that movie, so my head doesn't match my grill.

I'm such a blonde. It just doesn't make sense for me to have dark hair.

My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.

My mum is really fair and has blonde hair, and my dad is not dark, either.

I personally prefer being a blonde, but whatever it takes for the character.

I do a great deal of research, especially in the apartments of tall blondes.

It isn't that gentlemen really prefer blondes, it's just that we look dumber.

I sound New York. I sound East Coast much more than a blonde person from L.A.

The best part of being blonde is forgivable momentary lapses of common sense.

Sadly, I'm not a natural redhead. But, I prefer my red hair to my blonde hair.

I've got more junk in the trunk than most 5-foot-1 blonde girls, and I like it.

I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!

I have always liked the contrast between being blonde and having dark features.

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