I want to make a movie where people are, like, 'Whoa.'

Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I'm like, 'Whoa, I'm so cool.'

Making a great television show is hard enough. To also tackle F. Scott - whoa.

I came up as a number 2 hitter. My first year I hit 16 homers, and I was like, Whoa, I'm rollin'!

I went to a couple Academy Awards parties and I was definitely like, 'Whoa, no one will talk to me.'

Chyna was the woman that made me say 'Whoa, I want to do something like that. I want to change the game.'

When Shaq gave me the nickname, it wasn't no Joe-Bob giving you a nickname. This is Shaq. It was like, whoa.

I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear. When I took the 'Hellcats' job, I was like, 'Whoa, this is a sport.'

Like, literally, when you get the script, you're like, 'Whoa, I hope the Black Hood isn't after me.' I guess we'll find out.

Sometimes I wake up and look in the mirror and am like, 'Whoa!' I don't know if I'm having more fun, but I'm having a lot of fun.

My wife says I have a frontal lobe issue. Your frontal lobe controls your danger response, like, 'Whoa, I shouldn't be doing this.'

I watch 'Jeopardy!' every night and 'Wheel of Fortune' follows. And every time I'm like, 'Whoa, it's still on! This is still happening!'

I've said some things on stage where the crowd was like, 'Whoa, that's bad' - and I never say it again because that's the feedback I get.

I was like, 'Whoa, I'm auditioning for 'Hunger Games?' That's like my dream come true. That's like a Trekkie auditioning for 'Star Trek.'

It is so scary to break in new shoes on stage. It makes me wonder, how does Beyonce do it, dance in high heels on stage? I am like 'Whoa!'

I wasn't real quick, and I wasn't real strong. Some guys will just take off and it's like, whoa. So I beat them with my mind and my fundamentals.

Those who have not seen wrestling before have probably tuned in to 'Lucha Underground' and go, 'Whoa! This is a TV series turned into wrestling.'

I remember I rapped for a friend, and my friend really encouraged me and was blown away, like 'Whoa, that was dope!' Ever since then, I kept going.

When people see me in public, they're usually like, 'Whoa, you're a real person.' It's as if they're seeing Pinocchio or a cartoon character come to life.

There was no joke I could make that was too offensive. I can actually remember at least one time where my mother told me something that, I was like, 'whoa!'

Growing up as a little kid, you're always told, 'If you see the police, tell us.' So you're like, 'Whoa, are they the bad people or not?' It makes you think.

I used to look at horror movies as being really real and it would totally freak me out and give me nightmares. Now I watch and think, 'whoa how'd they do that?'

What I really care about is writing... Some people feel about touring the way I feel about writing, which is, 'Whoa, I can't believe I get to do this as a job.'

I cannot believe that I get a tour bus. I've been traveling in a van for 15 years. I used to look at people who were on buses and be like, 'Whoa, man, some day.'

All winners are edgy. Guys that are pushing themselves are edgy. It's the old saying we have in Kentucky: I'd rather have a guy I have to say whoa to, than giddyup.

Reading a book, watching a movie, going to a play, it's transporting, and very, very exciting. And to be a part of that, creating things with your imagination, whoa.

My concern as a citizen and as a money manager is, Oh my God, at what point does a 'whoa' moment happen to these people who own $30 trillion fixed income instruments?

I swear and it comes off a little angry, no matter how funny I'm trying to do it. If I use certain words with a certain intensity, it's like 'Whoa whoa whoa, buddy buddy!'

There are kids who get on a BMX bike when they're eight years old and they go, 'Whoa, this is incredible,' and grow up to do extreme sports. It's the same for me with acting.

In my heart, I've always wanted to do right, but I never knew what right was... but it's weird: God reached down, He said, 'Boom! This is what you are!' and I was like, 'Whoa!'

On a bigger level, 9/11 was a crystallizing moment for my generation... the bubble popped. We were like, 'Whoa, this is what the real world is like; it's not all fun and games.'

Before my son was born, I use to tell people that I was looking forward to no longer being the star of my own movie; then Harry came along, and it was like, 'Whoa, I'm really not!'

I'll tell you what I love. Sending back bottles of wine that aren't right in restaurants in France! Whoa! I love the French, but I do find their wine snobbery something unbearable.

You can be totally focused on the game and all of a sudden at the Garden, you'll snap and go, 'Whoa!' It's super loud and you can't help but take a second to admire what's going on.

The culture is just so coarse that you have to take it to that level and people will be like, 'Whoa!' And then you can make people think about stuff. It's kind of like shock therapy.

I play like I always used to, with no agenda. And, every once in a while, I will play something I really hadn't thought about or even intended to play. And I'll go, 'Whoa! What was that?'

Yeah, I mean there's points in every game where you get a hit and you feel a little woozy. Not every game, but mostly every game you hit someone and you're like, 'Whoa, that was a good one.'

This 'Whoa, Nellie!' thing is overrated. There were all kinds of stories going around. People said I had a mule in Georgia named Nellie. Well, we had a mule in Georgia, but her name was Pearl.

I have too many credit cards. You know what happened? Someone stole one and I didn't notice. I noticed when I got that bill. Whoa! It was so much less! I'm letting him keep it. I'm saving money!

In many ways, a teaser trailer these days has just become a short version of the full-length trailer, as opposed to something that grabs you and teases you and makes you go, 'Whoa, what is this?'

The majority of people who join law enforcement are doing it for good, moral reasons, but then there are the few who get through, where you go, 'Whoa, hold on a second. What's this guy doing here?'

I thought, 'Oh, acting is going to be great - I get to play different parts.' And then these auditions started coming up for terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, and I'm going, 'Whoa, what's this about?'

I do know Joe Lansdale has the most extraordinary voice you've ever heard in your life in terms of an accent that, when I started doing it, they had to go, 'Whoa, we need less.' But that's how he talks.

I like the idea of, not shocking people, but just throwing people off. Doing something that makes people go, 'Whoa, whoa, she did that next? Wow, didn't think she was gonna do something like that next.'

For me, I like to have explosive moments, whether it is a particular movement itself in the whole sequence. I like to have shocking moments; for audiences to feel, like, 'Whoa!' It's always been my forte.

I like it when my wife is in her jeans, with very little makeup. But, I also appreciate the range - the different ways she can look. The moment she walks out all dressed up and... whoa! That's always good.

I had to keep myself in check. Like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa.' I'd never sat in a room, five feet away from a Klansman putting on his damn robe. That's what freaked me out a little bit. But I wanted to see a Klansman.

I was working, like, 14-hour days on 'Fargo,' and now if I schedule more than two things in a day, I'm like, 'Whoa, you guys. That's two train rides, and I have to plan for an hour-and-a-half lunch with my cat.'

I remember I could do - I did Bart Simpson once on the bus. I did, like, a really good Bart Simpson voice on the bus, obviously before I hit puberty. And everybody went, 'Whoa, that sounds just like Bart Simpson.'

Everybody seen me talking to Frank Ocean, so they know something is coming, so something is coming with Frank Ocean - just wait on it - and, you know, people were just like, 'Whoa, Rich the Kid found Frank Ocean!'

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