Will Smith is fantastic.

One day I want to be like Will Smith.

I like Will Smith because his acting is for real.

Will Smith has always been an inspiration for me.

Will Smith is young, he's cool and my kids have his CDs.

Will Smith said if I ever need some help, he was there for me.

I'm disappointed. I don't care about Will Smith, I don't want to.

Will Smith is just an all-around amazing talent and really funny.

I dreamed of doing stuff like Will Smith and films on a big scale.

I grew up carrying crates of records for Will Smith and those guys.

Will Smith played Chris Gardner better than Chris Gardner ever did.

My favourite movie right now is probably 'Hitch', a Will Smith thing.

The big gamble in 'Focus' - it's a Will Smith movie that dares to be small.

Will Smith is the biggest movie star I've ever met, and he couldn't be more gracious.

When we met, I never thought in a million years that Will Smith and I would be together.

My favorite actors are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith - guys like that.

I speak to my agent about great roles, and he's like, 'They are all going to Will Smith.'

Honestly, I want to do films. I want to make that move from actor to producer, like Will Smith.

I wanna chase down Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith. I would love to start my film career.

I had to focus and create a character in Bagger Vance, not just do my 'Will Smith' thing and get paid.

To be compared to Will Smith is probably one of the coolest things because that's who I came up admiring.

There's nobody taller and cooler than Will Smith. He's the coolest tall person, so I'm trying to be like that.

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

It was fun working with Will Smith; it was fun working with Alex Proyas, who is another sci-fi guy with 'Dark City.'

Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, and he's also a triple threat. He successfully crossed over from music into acting.

I respect people who can do both careers, like Will Smith and a couple of other people who have done it, but I just don't know when they sleep.

I grew up with, maybe not the best hip-hop in the world, but a lot of hip-hop. Will Smith was, like, my jam when I was, like, 9 or 10 years old.

When I grew up my role model was Will Smith. I wanted to have my own TV show, do films where I can do comedy and big films such as 'I Am Legend'.

I met my husband, Will Smith, when I was 19 and auditioned to be his date on 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.' They said I was too short to play the part.

I think there is a way to be formal and elegant and classy, but more modern. Brad Pitt has been changing it, and Will Smith has been doing it in his own way.

I love Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. You see the love, and you can see the support, and they partner on things and produce together. But she has a life, and he has a life.

The only way to ensure a film is going to sell is put Will Smith in it and you open it in 3,000 theaters and make sure we have all the top promotional spots in each venue.

When I saw 'Independence Day,' I said, 'I want to be like Will Smith.' I want to do something like that. If he can do it, maybe one day I can come close to a set like that.

Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Derek Luke and Leonardo DiCaprio inspired me the most. The rawness balanced with charisma that they all bring to the screen is awe inspiring.

It wasn't surprising to me because I've had the conversation with him personally, but Will Smith is more interesting a guy that you could ever capture in a movie or TV show.

Will Smith is the most successful money-making movie star on planet Earth, in terms of just how many people have gone to see his films, so Will is a guy who gets movies made.

If there's one person I looked up to obsessively, it was Will Smith. There wasn't anyone who looked like me on TV in England. 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' was my touchstone.

The Will Smith that you see in movies is exactly the same as Will Smith in real life. Except for when he plays a superhero, because the real Will Smith can't fly. He can only hover.

I spent a chunk of time in New Orleans doing the movie 'Free State Of Jones,' getting to work with Matthew McConaughey, and also did 'Concussion,' where I got to work with Will Smith.

Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, and Will Smith are hall-of-famers. When they hit the red carpet, they know exactly what they're going to do, how they're going to do it. Damn, they're good.

Will Smith would not be Worldwide Will Smith if he had not insisted on going worldwide and touring with his films. You have to build that audience for people and allow for it to happen.

We don't want to plaster Mumbai with pictures of Will Smith. We want to make an exchange. We want to do films there as well as introduce Indian actors and directors to the United States.

I met Will Smith twice. I didn't talk to him for too long but I was trying to let him know that my age group grew up watching him - he was the coolest guy on television and the coolest guy in movies.

I remember hearing Will Smith, back when he was just a rapper, saying, 'When all the other rap stars are in bed, I'm practicing my rapping.' I try to be like that. There is always something to improve.

Every year, Hollywood is looking for that new, white leading man and new white starlet that audiences fall in love with. But they're not looking for the next Denzel Washington, Will Smith or Sidney Poitier.

My biggest hero when I was a kid was Will Smith. I used to watch 'Fresh Prince,' and I was a huge fan of his albums. I bought all of his albums when I was a kid. Now, he is the biggest movie star in the world.

Initially I thought: 'I would never get cast opposite Will Smith! No one would ever buy it with the age difference, our personalities.' I can't think of a couple that makes less sense in every way, shape and form.

Will Smith. He's been my career idol for years and years. I used to sit back and watch and study 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' over and over. It's the only TV show that I've watched all the way through maybe five times.

To be the leading man it's about the celebrity and the looks, and it's tough to do that. People who do it great are people like Tom Cruise and Will Smith - they're built for that. I ain't. I'm more of a character guy.

Oh, I laugh hard every day. I mean, my husband is Will Smith! I'm telling you, that's one of the joys of being married to him. My life full of laughter. Thank God I have him. My life is full of laughter because of that man.

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