Wishing of all employments is the worst.

Wishing of all strategies, is the worst.

Work will win when wishy washy wishing won t.

A man cannot become an atheist merely by wishing it.

My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more.

Angelina is my daughter and I am always wishing her the best.

It's a terrible thing wishing that it can be someone else's tragedy.

I'm always wishing for more intrigue and meaty stuff to do as an actor.

I don't believe that wishing works. I think we get the things we work for.

The first stage play I ever did was a school play called 'The Wishing Chair.'

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

There's nothing I would do differently, no wishing I had done this or done that.

I understand being alone. I understand not liking it, wishing for something else.

My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked.

When you stop searching, wanting and wishing things - only then they start appearing.

Listen to the sounds of nature. Wishing you the best on your trek towards your dreams.

Don't waste too much time wishing, hoping, and being envious; it'll make you bugnutty.

I think you've got to play the hand that you're dealt and stop wishing for another hand.

Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.

Wishing, hoping, and dreaming without an action plan - is nothing more than a pipe dream!

I love working with children because, as an only child, I grew up always wishing for siblings.

My desk is covered with talismans: pieces of rose quartz, wishing stones from a favorite beach.

No matter how tough my life was, I was always looking up at the sky and wishing for good things.

All day long I keep wishing, let partition be a past now. It should only remain a part of history.

Politicians wishing to set a better tone should have the discipline to avoid televised cage matches.

I used to cry myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered at and disrespected me.

Not wishing to blow my own trumpet, I'm as near to being the perfect dog owner as it is possible to be.

It is good to have the support I have. I am blessed that I have family around me wishing me good things.

When I look on my mantelpiece and see these cards wishing me a happy 100th birthday, I can't believe it.

My life has changed. I'm not walking around any more wishing I wasn't me, which was the case at one time.

I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I'm spending my adulthood wishing I were younger.

I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.

I have written two books that have to do with fairy godmothers: 'The Magic Touch' and 'Wishing on a Star.'

Chekhov is this poet of melancholy and isolation and of wishing you were somewhere else than where you are.

Many of us spend half of our time wishing for things we could have if we didn't spend half our time wishing.

Little islands are all large prisons: one cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow.

I really relate to the feeling of falling in love 10 times a day and wishing I could never stop falling in love.

Everybody in the world has a different reason for wishing they could say things that most people know not to say.

When we get to wishing a great deal for ourselves, whatever we get soon turns into mere limitation and exclusion.

Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life.

I remember sitting by my window, wishing upon the stars that my skin condition would go away. I wondered, 'Why me?'

I spent most of my life watching HBO series wishing that at some point in my career I might be able to work with them.

I wish I were the type who could walk into a place and have everybody love me. But I'm not, and there's no use wishing.

The most healthy way to be creative is to work with what you have and not sit around wishing you had something different.

I don't take anything for granted. I know there are a million and one dudes who are rapping, wishing they were in my shoes.

Over the years, I've found myself wishing sometimes my angel would show up. I could use a little uplift, a little reminder.

Before I moved to the city I spent every Saturday sitting in church wishing I could be living on my own, doing what I wanted.

Everyone seems to be rushing through their lives, wishing they had just two minutes to do all the things they want to get gone.

I was a teenager in '95, so I didn't dress like a woman then. I was really small. I remember wishing I wasn't wearing Gap Kids.

When you're a young child, you pick a totem animal, and you just identify with it to the point of wishing you were that animal.

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