There are 2 to 3 million women programmers in the world. We need to see them more.

It isn't hard to see how the lack of representation affects the self esteem of many women world wide.

I don't want to see a world in which women can communicate on Twitter, but their actual voices are not heard.

We're showing kids a world that is very scantily populated with women and female characters. They should see female characters taking up half the planet, which we do.

I want more girls to be able to see themselves behind the camera creating images we all enjoy, and I want to call attention to the fact that women directors are here all over the world.

When you see in this country and every other part of the world the huge pay disparity - in Hollywood, in every profession in the U.K., globally - and you see what is happening to women in every country socially and culturally, you can't not be a feminist.

I was at a meeting two years ago in Beijing, and I passed a bunch of women who were marching in a protest. Their signs were probably saying something I wouldn't have agreed with at all. But I was so glad to see women marching. And it's happening all over the world.

Among my favorite half-dozen topics is the field of Victorian female explorers, the intrepid women who packed up their parasols and petticoats and roamed the world in search of adventure. Some were scientists, some artists, some unabashed curiosity-seekers who simply went out to see what they could see.

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