I'm 87% socially awkward.

Fiction is socially meaningful.

I was very shy and socially awkward.

My dad's cool. He is socially liberal.

I was a nervous kid, not great socially.

There's no socially acceptable middle age.

Being right too soon is socially unacceptable.

The first author I met socially was Joyce Cary.

Socially conscious brands engender more loyalty.

I'm definitely on the spectrum of socially awkward.

I was the original socially depraved shy ghetto kid.

I'm certainly honest - and I can be socially awkward.

I'm a loner. I like to be alone. I'm socially awkward.

My life is together, both professionally and socially.

Socially, I'm fine, and academically, I'm doing OK too.

Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.

I have to be socially aware; I feel like that's my job.

Semi-automatic weapons have no socially redeeming purpose.

I feel like a lot of creative people are socially awkward.

I am not popular socially. I am uncomfortable around people.

Well, I don't go out much socially. I don't enjoy going out.

You cannot deal with a city if it's not socially integrated.

I will drink alcohol socially. That's really on the weekends.

I think of feminism as a socially just and imaginative world.

Socially, the issue of men's weight is simply not a big deal.

I went to university and I was a bit out of my depth, socially.

The truth is, I am conservative, but socially, I'm very liberal.

I am a socially liberal libertarian who is not for open borders.

Meaning is socially, historically, and rhetorically constructed.

The government has once again made the right socially acceptable.

The more socially conscious you are, the better the work you make.

I knew Billy Wilder socially and would have loved to work with him.

Baseball was socially relevant, and so was my rebellion against it.

Most of stuff I audition for is stuff I think is socially relevant.

I am not generally regarded as a pleasant or socially minded fellow.

Radio is the most intimate and socially personal medium in the world.

I was one of those guys who was, I guess, socially popular in school.

I don't know, I'm literally the most awkward, socially strange person.

Fiscally I'm very conservative... others say that I'm socially moderate.

I think there are plenty of Libertarians that are socially conservative.

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.

The English are laidback, comfortable socially, and getting along is easy.

I could release myself into acting in a way that I was not released socially.

You can be socially accepted and tell the truth about what it is to be a woman.

I've always been interested in socially political, or overtly political, comedy.

Worldwide, our young generation shares the same issues socially and politically.

Masculine and feminine roles are not biologically fixed but socially constructed.

I have a production company where we create socially conscious media and content.

I learned at an early age to be socially effective while practicing disappearing.

I'm so socially awkward. I really had to put myself out there and meet new people.

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