If people are not tied to the work from a mission-driven focus, I don't think you're going to motivate them.

I've had to focus on the fact that a lot more people don't want to work out in the confines of a gym anymore.

Fortunately, both television adaptations and the film I've been involved with are pieces of work that I'm proud of, so I'm very happy for people to focus on them.

I'm interested in the acting and staging of specific emotions, and so I work with actors. It's a small proportion of what I do, but it's always what people seem to focus on.

Instead of trying to get work, focus on your network. People will play a huge part in directing your growth and investing in relationships is critical no matter what you want to do.

I think a lot of people fail to work on their sight, even though it's probably one of the most important sides to tennis. It's also about reactions and concentration and focus, and I think it's all very closely related.

Every shot is unique, even if it's just a close-up, an insert of your hand. You've got to work with the guy behind the lens to get it right, focus in. Those are critical little nothing things, but you've got to work with the people who are trying to put it down, in order to get it.

I try to ignore the Tonys buzz as much as possible. It's wonderful to be thought of that way, but I have to kind of pretend it's not happening so I can keep focus. It's about the work I'm doing, and it's more than enough to come away knowing that people are changed when they leave the theater.

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