I love theater.

Theater is hard.

I'm a theater major.

I'm theater trained.

I was a theater nerd.

I'm such a theater geek.

All terrorism is theater.

I'm a super theater nerd.

Thank God for the theater.

Good drama must be drastic.

Theater dates very quickly.

I have done a lot of theater.

I am essential to the theater.

Everything in life is theater.

I have a passion to do theater.

Theater helps people keep sane.

Dinner theater is anti-culture.

I grew up doing musical theater.

I long to get back into theater.

My whole life is a theater piece.

I love working in New York theater.

I just love, I love, I love movies.

My first wife was a theater person.

The theater is magical and addictive.

I love life. I love the live theater.

Parsi theater was known for melodrama.

I wouldn't succeed at musical theater.

The first perk of theater is the girls.

A theater without beer is just a museum

The theater was my mother and my father.

What I don't have in theater is editing.

For me, art is always a kind of theater.

We all have an escape. Mine was theater.

As a kid, I had a background in theater.

I love theater. I grew up doing theater.

I love doing both theater and television.

Journalism as theater is what TV news is.

Work in the theater is more fun than fun.

Theater is so ephemeral, and I love that.

I've always loved film more than theater.

I was definitely a choir and theater geek.

I'm an actor, coming from New York theater.

I spent 10 years in New York doing theater.

The atmosphere of the theater is my oxygen.

Boxing has become America's tragic theater.

I love theater. Just, it never spoke to me.

The theater is the thing I love doing most.

A seven-minute take is almost like theater.

Theatrical work means too much work or none.

Theater is like going to the gym for actors.

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