It offends me when people do useless work.

But I don't work out. I pay people to do that for me.

It isn't important to me how people respond to my work.

I need to pay people to make me work out, or I wouldn't do it.

I do take pity on some of the people that have to work with me.

It's insane to have people recognize me for my work and get behind me.

People have tried to glam me up over the years, but it just doesn't work.

I think me having one hand made me work even harder than many other people.

People ask me what Gillian Anderson's like to work with, and I have no idea!

The most important thing for me is to continue to impact people through my work.

When I hear people boo, that just makes me want to go out there and work harder.

People don't necessarily expect singles from me. They expect full bodies of work.

When I was 16 and wanted to be an actor, people told me to go work at the supermarket.

Some people say it's scarier to direct the people you work with; not me, I'm a team guy.

I was raised by free-spirited people, though my father gave me a very strong work ethic.

I've had lots of wonderful people help motivate me over the years to work hard and write.

When I first finished 'Sharpe,' it was hard to get work because people only saw me as him.

Approaching people for work has not worked for me. People who came to me with work has worked.

There are very few people who work for me who are afraid to tell me what I don't want to hear.

I think insecurity does drive people. I know it's what drove me to push for the work I've got.

I work hard. That's what people should know about me. I work hard. I eat right. I'm in the gym.

People can never work out where they know me from. They just come up and chat with me like mates.

I have had hundreds of people work for me over the years, and I don't think I ever fired anybody.

Most of the people in Ghana wouldn't know me as an actress. They'd know me for my work at the U.N.

Frankly, if people aren't going to cast me because I'm queer, than I don't want to work with them.

Some people try to cyber bully me; they try to get to me with words, but that doesn't really work.

I'm not faithful to one particular medium, and it's what I try to teach to people who work with me.

After 'Resurrection,' I was getting calls for people to do work with me, and I was turning it down.

I accrued anger from people's low opinion of me and my work, and for the work I might be capable of.

I was an athlete in college - a quarterback, a leader - so people telling me what to do doesn't work.

When I arrive people don't know me very well, but it's about the work we do and the way the team play.

Inevitably, I think the people that want to work with me are also the people that I want to work with.

Do I see people working harder than me? I can't imagine that but if I do it inspires me to work harder.

I want people to recognize me for the work I do now as a model, and not something I did three years ago.

By putting people around me who will calm me down and slow me down and make sure I work through an issue.

There are people who like my work. So there are exciting things coming up to me, but it's slow of course.

No nude scenes. No sex-symbol parts. I want people to recognize me for my work, not just for being pretty.

The only thing that may make me different from other people is I have passionate interests outside of work.

I like blessing others around me. When you work hard, it's just dope to give back to the people around you.

Like I said in my election manifesto - why don't they legalise the whole thing and let people like me work?

It's hard for me to show work while I'm writing, because other people's comments will influence what happens.

I want books to give me insight into the way people's brains work and hearts work, and that's what engages me.

People have asked me about what it's like to work in Pakistan and abroad. It's such a healthy cultural exchange.

There's many times people told me I couldn't do something or couldn't work for it - it just made me more hungry.

If politicians did care about their constituents, they would work harder to seek out people like me. They don't.

I'm so appreciative that people have begun to recognize my work in a way where it can afford me more opportunities.

I never set out to do interior design; I just do what I do, and some people come along and want me to work with them.

What are people going to do? Fire me? I've been fired before. Not book me? I've been out of work before. I don't care.

Most people I work with are older than me and the main thing I've learnt is that everyone is a dumb as an 18-year-old.

The young people working for me are ambitious and hard-working. That work ethic has always been a trait of the British.

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