Each work seems to give me the most trouble at the time I'm working on it.

Oh yeah, our first tour in Europe they wouldn't give me the time off from work.

My girlfriend has to beat me up to get me to relax because I work all the time.

The stories I work on, especially for any length of time, do tend to become personal to me.

For me, meal prep is about doing the work when you have the time, which is usually on the weekend.

I've been a writer for 42 years and, yes, it is a full time job for me. Not a hobby, but serious work.

The time I spent on the bench helped me to reflect and think. It encouraged me to keep fighting and work.

I cry all the time - at work, at the shrink's, with my lady. 'The Notebook' killed me. 'Up' destroyed me.

When people ask me about color in my work, I tend to say that it came from spending a lot of time in Panama.

Modeling is really what I do during my free time. It's fun for me, so it doesn't feel like work. I choose to do it.

Sometimes I think, 'Why should I work out when I can spend time with my kids?' I feel guilty doing something for me.

When the major labels didn't work out the first time around, it taught me not to force things. You gotta let it flow.

Book reviews have never helped me. Most of them erred in their interpretations and their work has been a waste of time.

I went to London and performed in Eric Clapton's concert at the Royal Albert Hall. I'll work with him any time he asks me.

Someone once told me that every minute a murder occurs, so I don't want to waste your time, I know you want to go back to work.

Every time I get in the studio, I feel like I wanna have some fun. My fun is not doing the easy work. My fun is doing what's me.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must from time to time be present.

The Hardy Boys burned me out. I was recharging my batteries. It was time to return to work, but it was tough because my visibility was low.

For me, every practice and match I've played, it feels like the year is short and long at the same time. I'm aware of all the work I put in.

I work hard at what I do, and it does take time and a lot of commitment, so for me, it is proving to other people that I'm not just another dummy.

Hard work and only hard work has paid off for me. Being a very small industry, hard work is a must. It has worked wonders for me most of the time.

I have been getting proposals to play the lead from a long time but I rebuffed those offers. I wanted to work in a storyline that has scope for me.

I think people in my district expect me to work with the president. It doesn't mean we have to agree all the time. I don't feel any extra pressure.

For me, Ramadan is not an easy time because it's a time when I need to work much harder, because I need to help my teammates. That's the way I see things.

If I'm a content creator, and I get recognition for my work, that's going to motivate me to spend even more time on my next production and make it even better.

I do work for Impact Wrestling, but I'm just a straight up freelance agent in wrestling. I can work for anybody at any time. Basically every company calls me up.

Dentists seem to me very orderly, businesslike people who appear to become somewhat bored with the routine of their work after a period of time. Perhaps I'm wrong.

One thing my fans might not know about me is that when I graduated from college I went to work for a plumbing company, and so I was pretty much a full time plumber.

On a movie set, there's so much down time, adjusting the lighting. It gave me time to nap, call my friends, relax, work out. But with TV, there's no break time. None.

I feel like the books that I'm reading at any given time will really help me with my work, because it's just more characters, and you see new people while you're reading.

If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it 110%, or there's no point in doing it at all, especially if the work takes me away from time with my husband and children.

Rush has done some top-notch quality work, and we're very, very pleased with them. We really enjoy working with them. They are on time and on budget, which makes me happy.

I've done a lot of work with recruitment, which involved me giving sales pitches and things like that and spending a lot of time on the phone selling my services to people.

We only work four days a week, we only work three weeks out of the month, and we get four months off for the summer. So there's plenty of time for me to spend with the kids.

I did 'The Avengers.' 'Marco Polo' happened at the same time for me. So working that schedule out was a bit of an issue, but I was fortunate enough to make both things work.

Usually for cartoons, I record them in the mornings from 9 A.M. to noon, then I have the rest of the day to do on camera. It actually gives me time to work on my own projects.

I think every time you work with another collaborator, there's an adjustment process where you figure out the other person's strengths, and that has definitely happened for me.

In 2007, several musicologists contacted me at about the same time, expressing interest in the work of the mysterious Muriel Herbert, a few of whose songs they had come across.

Every time I start a new work, I try to be different and to start with a new perspective, so I search for a new idea, something which gives me a new way to access my creativity.

Every time I stepped on the practice field when I was in San Diego, I dreaded going to work. It wasn't any fun. I didn't like the people I was playing with. They didn't like me.

The first time I read an excellent work, it is to me just as if I gained a new friend; and when I read over a book I have perused before, it resembles the meeting of an old one.

That's the most difficult issue for me... to find a subject that holds my interest long enough that I'm prepared to go to work and spend the time and energy to shoot the subject.

I've known Radhikaa akka for a long time, and have seen her perform like a pro in front of the camera. But, to work with her and mouth dialogues in her presence had me in jitters.

My father-in-law, Mike Sherman, coached a long, long time, and he just said, 'Be true to yourself. Be who you are, and people will follow you.' And I found that way to work for me.

I had a bad back for a couple of years. I had to do a lot of physiotherapy for it. What I couldn't understand at the time was why the therapists had me doing a lot of stomach work.

You have to be talented. You have to work hard; you have to get the right pieces flowin' for you at the right time. And that's just what happened to me. I can't explain what happened.

It took less time to build 'Instagram' than it did for me to get my work visa. The app was an instant hit, and Facebook agreed to acquire the startup for about $1 billion in April 2012.

Walking into the WWE I was brand new; I did not know how things worked. Deep down I wanted everyone to cheer and adore me but this is the WWE where it doesn't work that way all the time.

So when I went to Arista, I had a period of writing where I suddenly was unrestricted. I wasn't writing for a band for the first time. It opened up a whole other arena for me to work within.

The studio is a place where I can experiment before I'm prepared for an idea to become a body of work, or a new way of working, or a way of working that can sustain me over a period of time.

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