Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and ...

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.

It could become much worse.

The better day, the worse deed.

Bad excuses are worse than none.

No enemy is worse than bad advice.

Slander is worse than cannibalism.

A bad peace is even worse than war.

I feel bad that I don't feel worse.

Wine is crying juice. Rum is worse.

The deal looks bad and smells worse.

There is no worse emotion than fear.

The remedy is worse than the disease.

False praise is worse than no praise.

Sloppy thinking gets worse over time.

Suspense is worse than disappointment.

And yet to every bad there is a worse.

It is worse than immoral, it's a mistake.

Nothing's worse than a woman know-it-all.

Wicked is not much worse than indiscreet.

Some remedies are worse than the disease.

I find the medicine worse than the malady.

False modesty can be worse than arrogance.

Losing feels worse than winning feels good.

I felt like things could never get any worse.

Life without Liberty is far worse than death.

People work harder when conditions are worse.

There are many victories worse than a defeat.

There is nothing worse than annotated humour.

Nobody feels any worse than I do about losing.

It is worse to be irresolute than to be wrong.

There are some remedies worse than the disease.

My sore throats are always worse than anyone's.

Cultures, for better or worse, are very stable.

Success in crime always invites to worse deeds.

The trouble with normal is it always gets worse.

A lot of people have it a lot worse than you do.

Bad weather always looks worse through a window.

You know the bark is worse than the bite in D.C.

We are all of us the worse for too much liberty.

Sometimes it's worse to win a fight than to lose.

Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.

Things are never so bad they can't be made worse.

Good families are generally worse than any others.

Evil is knowing better, but willingly doing worse.

Age is an ugly thing, and it goes on getting worse.

If you're not getting better, you're getting worse.

Life is hard and it gets worse and worse and worse.

Nothing is worse than having your dreams come true.

An orator is the worse person to tell a plain fact.

When things come to the worse, they generally mend.

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