Given the huge number Xbox owners and how many of them love gaming spectatorship, its a natural fit to bring the Twitch experience to the 360.

Bringing Roblox to Xbox is a huge leap forward in our mission to unite and inspire the creators, dreamers and explorers of the next generation.

Given the huge number Xbox owners and how many of them love gaming spectatorship, it's a natural fit to bring the Twitch experience to the 360.

I got a Cadillac Escalade. Put some rims on it, threw a couple TV's in there, and installed a system. I stuck my Xbox in there. I had to go for it.

The Xbox 360 is the first console that I've ever worked with that actually has development tools that are better for games than what we've had on PC.

Despite what many say or think, the PS2 is here to stay. I know that Microsoft dropped the Xbox like a bad habit but PS2 still has more staying power.

I'm so glad to have Xbox as a franchise, especially at a time when gaming is becoming even more important - as a digital life category and in the mobile world.

I'm married, and my wife has set out very limited Xbox limits. But if I had my druthers, I'd be playing all the time and never see any of my friends or do any work.

Games have fascinated me my whole life, starting with 'PacMan' on my uncle's PC. I moved up to classic Super Nintendo and then on to N64, and then XBox, DS and 'WoW.'

I have a PS2 and Xbox and a GameCube: that way, in case anything comes out that looks cool, I have the system to play it on. I got everything, bro, I ain't no rookie.

You can always think of something like the Xbox 360 as a super set-top box that can do everything the set-top box does, but then have the graphics to do the games as well.

We've had a relationship with Microsoft for a while. It's bigger than just Xbox - we use Azure for some of our cloud stuff. PC Windows is a very big platform for us as well.

Thanks to fantasy football and 'Madden' on Xbox Live there are legions of jersey adorning sports fanatics who think they're equipped to stand on the sideline with a headset.

While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.

When we were doing the launch of Kinect for Xbox, it was very much about getting sort of young blogger-influencer types to try this thing well in advance - a year before launch.

Right now we're working on finishing up Pirates! for the Xbox, we're developing Civilization IV and we've got a couple other games in development that we'll tell you about soon.

Playing Xbox for 23 hours straight is cool and all, but I'm going to teach you how to spend time on things in your life that will get you the following two things: paid and laid.

There is absolutely zero doubt that you can technically do an excellent full-featured FPS game, because these devices are more powerful now than, like, a previous generation Xbox.

I was obsessed with 'Top Spin' for some reason, and I wanted to be the best in the game. I think at one time on Xbox Live I was ranked about 60th. I just couldn't put that one down.

The Doctor character originated from playing Halo 2 on the Xbox and it had proximity chat where you could engage with someone in real-time on the microphone, and I loved that; I ate that up.

I play Xbox. I have a little boy to look after. I have dogs. You know, I have things to do. I would love to be able to sit down and watch something like a movie. I watch my own movies because I have to.

I'll usually stay up a little later than my wife and play Xbox, a little 'Modern Warfare 3.' Or I'll have a friend over, and we'll play board games until late at night. I'll always choose fun over sleep.

I am a geek dad, believe me. I've got my iPad with me; I've got my iPhone 4; I've got my Xbox. I love technology and I want to feel like I'm living in the future, and these devices help me feel that way.

Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend's house - should you choose to play your game at your friend's house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.

In the old days you could do re-runs, and people would have to watch that because there's nothing else. But with Netflix and Amazon, Hulu, Xbox, as well as premium and regular cable, it's very hard to do that.

For me, seeing the progression of video games and consoles - whether it be PlayStation, Xbox, or whatever - I think just seeing how good they've gotten from the days when I first started playing is just amazing.

I am not a huge gamer. My son knows a LOT more than I do about what is cool on Xbox. I played Halo but the sports games that the whole family can use are the things I use the most. I threw the javelin very very far!

I just moved into the world of Xbox Live. And I've discovered that everyone on the Internet is a lot better than me. I spent half an hour the other day designing a boxer, and I got knocked out twice in the first round.

I know kids who say they have nothing to do and then go plop themselves down in front of the television to watch a movie or play Nintendo or Xbox. I think there is nothing better for killing creativity and imagination.

Everyone has friends that are limited to one platform and ecosystem, whereas what we've built with 'Fortnite' is a friends system that works across seven platforms. You can have friends across Xbox and PlayStation and PC.

The system itself has the mark of cleverness and ingenuity.... When you manipulate the menu system, you feel as though you are at the helm of the future.... The Xbox probably has the most raw potential for excellent games

I'm a huge gamer, I love 'Madden,' love 'FIFA 2K,' anybody that knows me knows I love Xbox. I do play Playstation as well, though, so I'm not one-dimensional, so don't get it twisted, PS4 fans, I can do both. I do play online.

I have never seen a game's graphics look so sharp and clean. The sound design for the game is also unique on the Xbox. The memory on this system allowed us to provide the user with 5.1 Dolby surround sound for home theatre owners.

I have one good girlfriend and then most of my friends are guys. Which I love, because they're just like so easygoing and I love to play like Xbox and just chill out when I'm not working, so boys are probably the way to go for me.

And with iPods and iPads, and Xboxes and PlayStations - none of which I know how to work - information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.

Our app for Xbox 360 brings Twitch video to the television and into the living room of millions of Xbox Live members for the first time. The app will let every Xbox Live gamer find and watch streams of their favorite games from their couch.

Onstage at Build, Phil Spencer said the Xbox is an open platform - which surprises me, because you have to get your game concept approved before you start developing it. Then you have to get every update approved. Microsoft has absolute control.

Unlike the LeBrons and A-Rods of the world, anointed as special from pre-K, Matt Leinart exudes an approachability rarely seen in superstars. It's why kids on the autograph line chat him up like a buddy with whom they could stay up late playing Xbox.

I used to game a lot, you know, back in the day. My gaming time done got so short that my skills ain't where they need to be to be online, you know what I'm saying? I just got that Xbox One. I gotta get my skills back, up the par to call myself a gamer.

I hear good things about Xbox Live from some of my younger teammates. I think it would be fun to be able to challenge fans all over the world. It would be cool to be able to play some of my friends back home in the States. I'm looking forward to trying it.

For me, personally, I think the serious gamers - the guys who know the levels - play Xbox, and people who are just good at the game play PS3. I play PS3 because I'm not a serious, serious gamer like that. But when I play the Xbox, the standard is so much higher.

This is a great opportunity for Don, and I wish him success. I am incredibly proud of the work and vision culminating in Xbox One. I'm particularly excited about how Xbox pushes forward our devices and services transformation by bringing together the best of Microsoft.

I have approximately 70 messages on Xbox Live right now and half of them are, 'I'm going to kill you' and 'I'm going to find you and destroy you' and I haven't worked (at Microsoft) in two years. Even to this day people who don't know I left Microsoft still come after me.

This past Christmas, I told my girlfriend for months in advance that all I wanted was an Xbox. That's it. Beginning and end of list, Xbox. You know what she got me? A homemade frame with a picture of us from our first date together. Which was fine. Because I got her an Xbox.

Somebody asked me what I thought next generation meant and what about the PlayStation 3 was next generation. The only next gen system I've seen is the Wii - the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement.

The Xbox 360 is the best game console ever designed. It's fast and powerful - games look as good on the 360 as on high-end PCs that cost six times as much. It's easy to navigate and has lots of useful secondary features - the ability to play digital video, stream MP3s, and so on.

If you don't get offended by somebody scoring on you then I don't know what to tell you. That is like somebody breaking into your house and just taking your video game out of your hand and you just let it happen. I know if you do that to me, it ain't going to happen. I love my Xbox.

I would stay up till 3 A.M. playing Xbox or Playstation, go training at 8:30 A.M., go home and sleep and wake up at a crazy time like 7 P.M. and eat something ridiculous like a pizza and then get back on my computer. I was not living right and I wondered why I was not starting games.

I refuse to buy a PS3 or Xbox for my home for fear that it might ruin my life. I think I would cease to accomplish anything productive, would quickly dispense with all human contact, and would very well end up with a nasty case of arthritis in my over-used digits from constant gameplay.

Apple knows a lot of data. Facebook knows a lot of data. Amazon knows a lot of data. Microsoft used to, and still does with some people, but in the newer world, Microsoft knows less and less about me. Xbox still knows a lot about people who play games. But those are the big five, I guess.

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