Young girls of 13 or 12 are great actors.

I'm a role model for lots of young girls.

I would like to be a positive force for young girls.

A lot of young girls look up to me and it's amazing.

I'm a big advocate for young girls dressing their age.

I just encourage young girls to be true to themselves.

I love mentoring young girls. I've always been like that.

I think I'm a different kind of role model for young girls.

I have two young girls, 8 and 10. They really keep me young.

I have no illusions of being an icon to young girls or anybody.

Fear is something I instill in other people, mostly young girls.

I know a lot of young girls look up to me. I have a lot of fans.

One Direction? The young girls will grow up and forget about 'em.

The young girls of Paris put everything they make on their backs.

Treaties are like roses and young girls. They last while they last.

I think it's great that young girls have the WNBA to look up to now.

I would like to be somebody young people, young girls, can look up to.

For some reason, young girls, they don't want the guy that's just there.

Acting can be an amazingly cathartic thing - especially for young girls.

I hope all you young girls see yourself up there... we were just like you.

I have a huge impact with young girls. Young women. That's my demographic.

I appreciate that young girls look up to me. And I take that very seriously.

When I talk to young girls about clothes, I tell them to show a lot of brains.

Rather than force young girls to fend for themselves, we have to protect them.

I'm in a relationship with myself. I think a lot of young girls should do that.

I'm honored to be in a position to have young girls or performers look up to me.

Young girls need to see women who are strong and vulnerable and complex onscreen.

Educating our young girls is the foundation for Nigeria's growth and development.

I want to encourage other young girls not to grow up too soon. Just enjoy the now.

Young girls aren't marketed science-y stuff, or techy stuff, or even musical stuff.

I like strong female characters. I try to write them as role models for young girls.

My father gave us inner confidence. He taught us, as young girls, never to be scared.

Women and young girls are constantly judging themselves by standards that aren't real.

I'm never not going to be interested in young girls who are struggling in poor places.

I want to tell young girls to try thinking of their future selves as their role models.

The link between young girls, eating disorders and osteoporosis is a ticking time-bomb.

I'm so glad teenagers can look up to young girls and realize it's okay to be voluptuous.

Young girls in Haryana should speak their mind and not be afraid to challenge the system.

I want to inspire young girls and let them know that we are all goddesses inside and out.

It is with pain that I read of the dire effects of my book upon the minds of young girls.

If you're an old cat around young girls, you got to have somethin' to bring to the table.

I am pretty honest about a lot of things that young girls question, like their body image.

We've got too many young girls, who don't know how to parent, turning themselves into parents.

I'd like young girls to be able to listen to my music and take something positive away from it.

Whenever I see young girls wearing way too much makeup... you're young, you don't need that much.

There's a lot of good roles for men, always, and for very young girls. But for women, not so many.

I'm very privileged to be a professional footballer, and I want to encourage more young girls to play.

I want young girls to be inspired to love themselves and strive to follow their dreams no matter what.

I really just want to change the way women think about themselves. A lot of young girls are quite lost.

I want to make sure I'm a role model for young girls and play the best I can for my team and my country.

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