Firmly believe that terrorism, in any shape or form, is against humanity. There should be zero tolerance towards terrorism.

I bet on a lot of stuff that's low-priced, and most of it's going to go back down to zero. But some of it's going to go up.

It's a zero sum game: the Court either expands individual rights or expands the government's right to regulate individuals.

I love watches, for sure. The watch I love the most is Richard Mille because it's part of something that started from zero.

HALF of America pays NO taxes. Zero. So they're happy for tax rates to be raised on the other half that DOES pay any taxes.

In debating the respective merits of dogs and cats, not having to walk a cat when it's 20 below zero deserves consideration.

I always thought I was going to be a professional horse rider because I rode horses competitively from zero to 17 years old.

Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, that's what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody.

It is impossible to insure that there is a zero percent chance of any kind of foodborne illness anytime anyone eats anywhere.

Here it is, 2011, and I feel zero shame when I tell you I would like to marry my smartphone. It is a handful of pure delight.

There comes a point when you have to realize that the sum of all your blood, sweat, and tears will ultimately amount to zero.

If we had zero corporate tax in this country, tens of millions of jobs would get created in this country for no other reason.

With novels, you're sitting at a desk, alone, going slightly crazy, for anywhere from six months to a year with zero feedback.

So many little lives, amounting to nothing. I ask you: What is infinity multiplied by zero? It is hardly worth our discussion.

A golf course should aspire to generate as much energy as it consumes - golf should be leading the way toward energy net zero.

In the eight years before I became governor, there was zero net private sector job growth in New Jersey. Zero. For eight years.

I like that you have four minutes to zero in on something and evoke a specific feeling and take people on some sort of journey.

My guiding principle is that prosperity can be shared. We can create wealth together. The global economy is not a zero-sum game.

The biggest - one of the biggest barriers to driving economic growth is the capital gains tax rate. I propose taking it to zero.

The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.

Our daughter was born in Chicago, and she's already showing it. The temperature has to be approaching zero for her to wear a hat.

If you go to Minnesota in January, you should know that it's gonna be cold. You don't panic when the thermometer falls below zero.

I think that if you're writing about the human condition, my God, you've got to start at base: point zero, point one, is the body.

Samuelson spotted a mistake in Bacheliers work. Bachelier's model had failed to consider that stock prices cannot fall below zero.

No more Lastrygonians.” Ella fluttered down and landed next to them. “Six minus six is zero. Spears are good for subtraction, yep.

He suddenly felt nothing, or rather Nothing, a pre-tornadic stillness of zero sensation, as if he were the very space he occupied.

My mother married three times. My dad is... I don't really have one. I mean, he does exist, but I have zero relationship with him.

I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer.

There are systems called zero discharge emission systems that would prevent any pollution from making it into the water or the air.

The great earthquake shall be in the month of May; Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus; Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero.

It's important to recognize that you can't have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience.

I was a huge Sub-Zero guy, but the fact that you can download Freddy Krueger is the coolest thing I've heard of in a very long time.

We act like a zero-sum society, when in reality there is a lot of non zero-sum fat to be skimmed off to everyone's mutual advantage.

When you have a product that has zero sales, it is easy for people to say whatever they want about it and almost fantasize about it.

No one will lend at a negative interest rate; potential creditors will simply choose to hold cash, which pays zero nominal interest.

I'm interested in the feeling of getting to zero after a play, like you're never going to do it again. That's a really scary feeling.

I feel awful for women who are trying to raise kids on their own, with zero income and no fathers present - that's single motherhood.

If you go back to the '50s and '60s... there was zero tech in S.F. It was all in the Valley... and it crept northward in early 2000s.

That's what a community is: taking for granted certain assumptions, not having to start from zero every time. This is no longer true.

Size zero doesn't make you happy and I'm not sure I have the discipline for Hollywood. I'm too much of a fan of chocolate and crisps.

What are the chances that we will one day discover that DNA has absolutely nothing to do with inheritance? They are effectively zero.

In all my days of schooling, from preschool all the way up to 12th grade, there was not one white person in my class. Literally zero.

Yes, I worked hard to put together an experimental show on a budget of zero. But I was not being exploited by anyone. I was in charge.

One day we are a hero, another day we are a zero. Without me, Cardiff would have gone bust. Because of my investment, we got promoted.

The problem I have with carbon as a bad thing issue, is that people go out and say they want to be zero carbon. You see it everywhere.

Size zero doesn't make you happy, and I'm not sure I have the discipline for Hollywood. I'm too much of a fan of chocolate and crisps.

Possessing things is not that interesting. Living in a grand environment to show myself and others that I have wealth has zero appeal.

I don't spend too much time attempting to defend myself against people who seem to have zero desire to have a substantive conversation.

I probably had 150 meetings with Trent Lott. He has said exactly as many racist things to me as Bill Clinton has, which is to say zero.

Do I want a character who just has the best motives and the best intentions, zero flaws, and is doing things for the right reasons? No!

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