Every one complains of a poor memory, no one of a weak judgment.

Whatever good things people say of us, they tell us nothing new.

Self-interest makes some people blind, and others sharp-sighted.

Second-rate minds usually condemn everything beyond their grasp.

The one thing people are the most liberal with, is their advice.

If we did not have pride, we would not complain of it in others.

Solemnity is a device of the body to hide the faults of the mind.

Moderation is an ostentatious proof of our strength of character.

Everyone praises his heart, none dare praise their understanding.

We should only affect compassion, and carefully avoid having any.

The greatest fault of a penetrating wit is to go beyond the mark.

No men are oftener wrong than those that can least bear to be so.

We rarely think people have good sense unless they agree with us.

The more one loves a mistress, the more one is ready to hate her.

We easily forget our faults when no one knows them but ourselves.

Weakness of character is the only defect which cannot be amended.

Self-love is more cunning than the most cunning man in the world.

Flattery is a base coin which is current only through our vanity.

The trust that we put in ourselves makes us feel trust in others.

A resolution never to deceive exposes a man to be often deceived.

Constancy in love ... is only inconstancy confined to one object.

Narrow minds think nothing right that is above their own capacity.

Jealousy springs more from love of self than from love of another.

The only good imitations are those that poke fun at bad originals.

What makes vanity so insufferable to us, is that it hurts our own.

It is most difficult to speak when we are ashamed of being silent.

It is easier to rule others than to keep from being ruled oneself.

The head does not know how to play the part of the heart for long.

True friendship destroys envy, and true love destroys coquetterie.

We are never either so fortunate or so misfortunate as we imagine.

Plenty of people want to be pious, but no one yearns to be humble.

If we never flattered ourselves we should have but scant pleasure.

We can never be certain of our courage until we have faced danger.

Our probity is not less at the mercy of fortune than our property.

Our virtues are often, in reality, no better than vices disguised.

Women can less easily surmount their coquetry than their passions.

We seldom praise anyone in good earnest, except such as admire us.

Of all our faults, the one that we excuse most easily is idleness.

Our enemies' opinion of us comes closer to the truth than our own.

There are some good marriages, but practically no delightful ones.

We often shed tears that deceive ourselves after deceiving others.

However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.

You are never so easily fooled as when trying to fool someone else.

One cannot answer for his courage when he has never been in danger.

No one thinks fortune so blind as those she has been least kind to.

Hope, deceitful as it is, carries us through life agreeably enough.

We forget our faults easily when they are known to ourselves alone.

We are sometimes as different from ourselves as we are from others.

There are people who, like new songs, are in vogue only for a time.

Reason alone is insufficient to make us enthusiastic in any matter.

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