The one thing you can control is effort.

The one thing that matters is the effort.

Change is the one thing we can be sure of.

The one thing that kids need is consistency.

Curiosity is the one thing invincible in Nature.

The one thing I've tried to do is be insightful.

The one thing women love more than money is power.

The one thing I couldn't imagine is stopping still.

The one thing I had pure in my life was creativity.

The one thing I will never do is become pigeonholed.

The one thing you can't buy, find, or create is time.

The one thing I need to leave behind is good memories.

The one thing I'm good at is taking things day by day.

Bad bread is the one thing I refuse. I need good bread.

The one thing I cannot support in a woman is stupidity.

If you look at my boys, the one thing they do do is win.

As a shooter, the one thing you want to be is consistent.

The one thing Nikki and I always live by is 'No regrets.'

I do like change. That's the one thing exciting about me.

Taxidermy is the one thing I collect that I've never used.

I love music so much. It's like the one thing I'm good at.

Family is the one thing that is definitely not disposable.

The one thing that I know is that you win with good people.

The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.

The one thing my mom will let me get is a nice shoe sometimes.

The one thing you can't do when you're highly ranked is relax.

The one thing I want to leave my children is an honorable name.

I say the one thing about luck is you can't really count on it.

Love is the one thing in life that makes everything worthwhile.

I absolutely loathe luxury. It is the one thing I cannot stand.

The one thing people are the most liberal with, is their advice.

The one thing that I'm in charge of in this wedding is the food.

The one thing little people don't like is the 'M' word, 'midget.'

Time is the one thing I can't get back and can't give back to you.

The one thing the fans wanted to see is me getting the title shot.

But the one thing that I did do was establish myself as a good actor.

The one thing you can't control is what comes after what you release.

The one thing we learned about community - you can't force community.

The one thing that I have done really well in my life is be a father.

The one thing you know we won't do is, literally, 'Modern Warfare 2.'

The one thing I can assure you is that I'm not going to do a Prescott.

The one thing I could do with my eyes closed is my Grandma's schnecken.

The one thing you're most reluctant to tell. That's where the comedy is.

The one thing I've always done is to try not to overcomplicate anything.

The one thing I've learned about friends is that the good ones are rare.

I have never felt that the one thing that I am 'known for' is what I am.

Coming from immigrant Italian people, the one thing you do is work hard.

The one thing I never questioned about my mother was whether she loved me.

The one thing that's terrible about traveling for fun is writing about it.

Pasta with melted cheese is the one thing I could eat over and over again.

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