I don't play golf with presidents.

Elected presidents are for countries.

I head a nation of a million presidents.

I've played golf with three U.S presidents.

All presidents get frustrated with Congress.

Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation.

Presidents need to be critically studied and analyzed.

Presidents often disappoint, but first ladies rarely do.

Frankly, Christians have not always made good presidents.

Presidents hate the press. They hate me most of the time.

I'm just raising money. Dead presidents are my relatives.

Bad presidents don't deserve holidays. They deserve scorn.

Presidents can be judged by the company they choose to keep.

When American presidents prepare for foreign wars, they lie.

Presidents tend to tinker, you know, and mess everything up.

All presidents rail against the press. It goes with the turf.

Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever.

Presidents fall into second-term slumps for different reasons.

Great presidents don't just fight good fights - they win them.

I only play projects with weird interpretations of presidents.

Presidents do not go off on leave without telling the country.

I've covered the White House and been yelled at by presidents.

Presidents grow up in the White House. The times shape the man.

America can change its presidents, but the world doesn't change.

Power is poison. Its effect on Presidents had always been tragic.

We've had erratic, weird presidents before. America's still here.

I have worked with Presidents since Eisenhower. We serve together.

Success in war underpins the claims to greatness of many presidents.

Most presidents have not considered 100 days a significant milepost.

I think a lot of presidents learn to be president by being president.

If presidents can't do it to their wives, they do it to their country.

Midterm elections for first-term presidents are notoriously difficult.

Americans almost never elect presidents on the basis of foreign policy.

Back-to-back Presidents' Trophies, I don't think that happens too often.

I've always given presidents the benefit of the doubt on their nominees.

I don't find any presidents all that sexy. They're not very rock'n'roll.

I think that the great presidents have always been a little more clever.

The presidents I served under don't have anything to do with my politics.

Like their predecessors, the Presidents of today just throw up their hands.

Folks, I can tell you I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately.

I think George Bush is one of the most duplicitous presidents we've ever had.

At the start of first terms, presidents invariably have a measure of goodwill.

If you look at where presidents come from, they're former governors or senators.

Weak presidents are neither respected nor electorally rewarded by their publics.

You got to have people at the top who respond to and are selected by presidents.

Presidents are nice people. They're nice, fun-loving people who have great jobs.

Of course, presidents are always blamed or rewarded for the state of the economy.

We see more and more of our Presidents and know less and less about what they do.

An important governorship used to be the best springboard for would-be presidents.

I fundamentally believe in term limits, for Congress, presidents, and board members.

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