I adored my father.

I was adored once too.

I've always adored Sophia Loren.

I adored Boston, and I loved school there.

In our romantic groves I adored her like a divinity.

The man I adored, and miss him terribly, was Johnny Carson.

I was probably the only 10-year-old who adored Sandy Dennis.

I adored my father - I was more attached to him than anyone.

I adored my mother. I absolutely adored her and admired her.

I adored my mother. She was beautiful, smart, sexy and funny.

Glasgow was a tough city. You were adored, and you were hated.

I adored my mom. I thought she was the best. I loved her very much.

Of course I adored and wanted to be Catwoman. That goes without saying.

Being the youngest of five, you're adored, you're fueled with confidence.

I love J. F. K. My mother had been a worker on his campaign and adored him.

I have to go back to my younger days, when I just adored Hollywood musicals.

I adored my brother when I was younger, so I wanted to do everything he did.

My family very much adored me, and at school, I was an object of fascination.

There is a figure that is adored, but I'd question very strongly that it's me.

Deep down, I feel 'Doll & Em' is a love letter to our dads, because we adored them.

I had an uncle who adored Al Green. He was white, but he only listened to black music.

Key Largo... I could have stayed on that picture for the rest of my life. I adored it.

I've always loved French music. My parents adored it; my father played it on the piano.

I adored Mickey Mouse when I was a child. He was the emblem of happiness and funniness.

I absolutely adored Wuthering Heights and fell in love with Heathcliff as most girls do.

I adored my years playing Rodney McKay and I would jump at any chance to reprise the role!

I always adored Cary Grant. I was fascinated by him. But I could never get too close to him.

When the Doors became huge, what nascent rock intelligentsia existed at the time adored them.

I had a very strong-willed mother, who I totally adored. She was always in control of her life.

If everyone really knew what a jerk I am in real life, I wouldn't be so adored in the slightest.

Two songs I like are 'High Flying Adored' and 'Another Suitcase Another Hall,' both from 'Evita.'

I knew William Burroughs really well, and I was always star struck being around him. I adored him.

My parents adored me, and I had a very happy childhood, so maybe I just sort of expect to be loved.

Our family was the most important part of Charlie's life. He loved us very much, and we adored him.

Though I adored Delhi, Mumbai was in my veins and I felt connected to this city and had to come back.

But I don't really see myself as a role model. I'm not a dictator, or someone who wants to be adored!

My writing works best when I remember that bookish child who adored reading and gear the work toward him.

I was a married woman and I had a baby. I would have adored it, but I just couldn't do it because I'm a lady.

I was always very grateful I was never hot. In the entire length of my career, I haven't been the most adored.

I adored 'Drop the Dead Donkey.' That show defined Channel 4 at the time; it was so inventive and off the leash.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

I just adored working with Woody. He was more than I could have ever dreamed of. I'd do it a million times over.

Alan King, a comedian I adored, was considered society, and I was considered the Jewish kid from the neighborhood.

That is the trend in our country. If you have been adored in a particular kind of role, people want to see more of it.

My parents loved classical music. And my father adored Mozart. But for some reason, I always had a reaction against it.

I still miss my parents every day; I adored them. And when you have no children, friends are even more important to you.

Frank Loesser was a beautiful soul. I didn't know how great he was when I met him, but I just adored him. He was a sweet man.

I suppose I've always had a very genuine curiosity about religion. I loved the atmosphere of churches, the ethos; I adored Evensong.

The opponents of Mr. Modi can never change the mind of the people who have accepted and adored him as a statesman and national leader.

The lead of a film that wove around me, I played all the roles. I traveled the world; I loved life, pleasure. I adored to write, create.

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