I've learned to love my brown eyes.

All that I've learned has faded away.

I've learned that love takes priority.

I've learned to stop being so serious!

I've learned to brush off many things.

I've learned that anything is possible.

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed.

What I've learned is you treat women right.

The biggest thing I've learned is location.

I've learned a tremendous amount from Oprah.

I've learned... That money doesn't buy class.

Being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

I've learned to dance with a hand in my pants.

I've learned that each day is definitely a gift.

I've learned that I've got to keep level-headed.

And that's what I've learned too: writing is key.

I've learned so much as both a writer and a human.

I've learned not to be as maniacal as I used to be.

I've learned to never underestimate the impossible.

I’ve learned that by doing things, things get done.

I've learned... That when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned that every working mom is a superwoman.

I've learned all I need to know to live under a bed.

I've learned... That life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've tested life and I've learned what works for me.

I’ve learned that home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.

I've learned... That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned to question success a lot more than failure.

I've learned a lot just being able to see things clearer.

I've learned that we're all entitled to have our secrets.

I've learned that I'm most powerful when I'm doing my art.

I'm glad I've learned what I've learned when I learned it.

I've learned how to use my spam filter pretty effectively.

I've learned to hate it when the cameras are pointed at me.

I've learned to keep my work on the stage or on the screen.

I've learned that you don't have to win first place to win.

I've learned to keep my mind open to ideas from any source.

I've learned that you simply can't control those bad vibes.

I've learned not to be surprised by what people do no more.

I've learned that almost anyone will help if you ask for it.

I've learned people are watching, so don't do nothing stupid.

I am Dead, but it's not so bad. I've learned to live with it.

One of the things I've learned is to be receptive of feedback.

I've learned at the book signings that everyone has obstacles.

If I've learned one thing in life, it's you can never go back.

Because all my life I've learned to suffer in silence - Athena

I've learned not to put things in my mouth that are bad for me.

The fights I've learned the most were always the fights I lost.

I've learned that everyone can do their part to repair the world

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