Trend is not destiny.

Trends don't interest me.

I have a trend of my own.

Good food is a good trend.

I'm not really into trends.

I don't chase beauty trends.

Politicians cannot alter trends.

Don't follow trends, start trends.

I hate trends, but I love fashion.

I don't blindly follow fashion trends.

I don't follow trends, so I make my own.

Trends come and go, but cool is forever.

Don't follow a trend. Follow your heart.

I don't really know or care about trends.

I never try to follow a trend or fashion.

Follow the trend lines, not the headlines.

I don't follow waves or trends or emotions.

I'm much more for style and not trend-driven.

Today's trend ends up in tomorrow's landfill.

Fashion is a trend, style is within a person.

You don't need to follow trends to be stylish.

The thing is to be able to outlast the trends.

Even our beliefs have become trend statements.

Don't try to write to the trend of the moment.

Build a wardrobe rather than focusing on trends.

I wish to create trends rather than follow them.

Trends are manufactured. Real things just happen.

Follow sound business trends, not fashion trends.

As an investor, I'm always scouting for new trends.

Adopt and change before any major trends or changes.

Thought is not consecrated unless it resists trends.

The trend has been mobile was winning. It's now won.

As a new artist you should ignore trends at all costs.

The trend now is to get away from stage bound sitcoms.

Style is anti-fashion; it's not about following trends.

I think video is a mega trend, almost as big as mobile.

The weather today is an increasing trend towards denial.

We humans think linearly but tech trends are exponential.

I pre-dated the trend for large watches by about a decade

The trend that should definitely die is following trends.

All caught up in the trends, well the truth began to bend.

Find the trend whose premise is false, and bet against it.

You have to know how to go against the trend of the times.

The trend is your friend except at the end where it bends.

Wherever human beings are concerned, trend is not destiny.

My goal is to spread ideas. Trends always start at the top.

If I could predict the trends, they would already be there.

Electronic music is so weird because trends change so fast.

I don't follow trends. I just do what I like and what I can.

If utopian fiction became the new trend, I wouldn't read it.

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