Don't try to be a hero. Try to be a winner.

I was scared everyday I put on the uniform.

Sparky Lyle went from Cy Young to Sayonara.

I'm sure glad this isn't my home ball park.

If I'm in a slump, I ask myself for advice.

I ought to break this trophy into 32 pieces

That was like swatting June bugs off a fly.

Davis fouls out to third in fair territory.

You touch me and I'll kick you in the rear.

I'd give a hundred dollars for a cold beer.

One small breeze doesn't make a wind storm.

My dad owned a propane company in Oklahoma.

I put the ball in play. That's what I want.

I'm telling you, God loves a lot of people.

I like a calm life where nobody bothers me.

It was the single greatest feat I ever saw.

Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league.

I love baseball, and the door remains open.

Rickey doesn't have albums, Rickey has CDs.

Don't worry, Rickey, you're still the best.

I'm disappointed about how my career ended.

The biggest thing I've learned is location.

I've always been a guy who likes big games.

I will send a fastball into the cyber hole.

I like alligator meat. Tastes like chicken.

I was always a self-proclaimed poor slider.

Art, however innocent, looks like deceiving.

Law that shocks equity is reason's murderer.

The only rule I got is if you slide, get up.

Problems are the price you pay for progress.

I never go up there trying to hit a home run

I'll lose about 20 pounds during the season.

Winning isn't everything. Wanting to win is.

Respect yourself, your Opponent and the Game

Wearing the same shirts doesn't make a team.

I've failed my fair share of times no doubt.

Hitting's the hardest thing to do in sports.

As long as I'm having fun I'm going to play.

Baseball reveals character; golf exposes it.

Every life lesson is on that baseball field.

We're not raising grass. We're raising boys.

I do everything in a straightforward manner.

I hope I never do anything to hurt baseball.

Equipment has heart, human heart, inside it.

If you don't succeed at first, try pitching.

I feel I'm entitled to make my own decision.

Larry Walker paved the way for guys like me.

He many not be hurt as much as he really is.

Benedict may not be as hurt as he really is.

Why is there no respect for Joaquin Andujar?

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