I love red meat.

I don't eat red meat.

I'm a big fan of meat.

I'm a real meat eater.

It ain't my cup of meat.

I'm not big on red meat.

I like meat on my bones.

I don't eat any red meat.

Nobody doesn't like meat.

I am not fond of red meat.

I don't eat red meat anymore.

I like meat and carbohydrates.

I like meat and carbohydrates.

I'm so trying to give up meat.

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

Call me crazy - I love elk meat!

Sweet meat must have sour sauce.

Once upon a time I did eat meat.

Give up meat to save the planet.

I am a girl, not a piece of meat.

I eat meat, the rarer the better.

Meat has become a passion for me.

I eat mostly vegetables and meat.

Meat isn't murder, it's delicious.

I eat meat. I don't go to the gym.

My man prefers meat over the bone.

Finest fur may cover toughest meat.

The weak are meat the strong do eat.

I don't see myself as a hunk of meat.

Meat consumption shouldn't be normal.

The story of cats is a story of meat.

There's no doctor like meat and drink.

I don't eat meat, I am not a carnival.

I have one weakness: I love meat loaf.

I enjoy meat, but I can do without it.

Dad could charm a dog off a meat wagon.

The brain happens to be a meat machine.

I don't eat much meat, fish, or poultry.

Outdid the meat, outdid the frolic wine.

Vegetarians are hotter then meat eaters.

God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.

I don't eat sushi, but I eat cooked meat.

I'm a pescatarian - I don't even eat meat!

A hungry dog believes in nothing but meat.

I eat plants. I eat lean meat. I work out.

Is that what I've become, a piece of meat?

People are essentially red meat. They are.

Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't eat meat.

Red wine is a great accompaniment to meat.

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