Stories are equipment for living.

Equipment has heart, human heart, inside it.

A rubber neck is a necessary part of equipment.

I love scuba-diving, but I hate all the equipment.

I've never considered musical equipment very sacred.

It's part of an actor's equipment to project a voice.

I'm not a geek about equipment, I just know what I like.

If you love living, you try to take care of the equipment.

Possessing best musical equipment has always been my craze.

I don't have room in my mind to think about musical equipment.

If you take my equipment away from me, I might as well retire.

In Mississippi the important thing is hooch, not bar equipment.

My slogan is who needs fitness when you've got great equipment.

Remember: if you take bivouac equipment along, you will bivouac.

Consolidation means less equipment, less networks, and less jobs.

I have all the equipment to be a politician. Total shamelessness.

You don't need a gym or lots of equipment to get fit and healthy.

Don't get so addicted to vision that the people feel like equipment

To be the best, you have to have the right equipment at your disposal.

I wouldn't have expected an audience of ours to burn down our equipment.

I get very involved with my things, and they are not standard equipment.

Suffering provides the gym equipment on which my faith can be exercised.

You've got to show your soul otherwise you're just a piece of equipment.

We have substituted organizing for agonizing and equipment for endowment.

Hollywood is like life, you face it with the sum total of your equipment.

Because he has the best equipment in the City and he knows how to use it!

Young drivers are supposed to be hard on equipment. That's how you learn.

Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment.

You're gonna get the best - you're gonna get the best equipment [in the Army].

People are just like farm equipment. They rust out quicker than they wear out.

We have to realize we have millions of human beings traveling on our equipment.

We don't need mass armies anymore. We replace it with more effective equipment.

I think environment is more important to us than even equipment and the studio.

Directing is all about storytelling. It's not about equipment, or anything else.

Most gyms now have TVs. You can prop up reading material on the cardio equipment.

Some people think that all the equipment you need to discuss religion is a mouth.

I have a small training program, and I have some equipment at home to do exercise.

Using simple equipment and daylight alone is for me a pleasure and a replenishment.

In the countryside, you're always hearing sheep, birds, tractors and farm equipment.

We were all crazy about music and almost all the money we had, we spent for equipment.

I'm very interested in my new kitchen equipment shop. I've started it with two friends.

I'm making music the way I would have done before modern equipment and music recording.

I play with toys. I have one plane that travels with me. It travels with the equipment.

I realized that equipment really had little to do with why I sound like the way I sound.

You don't need any heavy, expensive equipment, and you can do Pilates anywhere, anytime.

One kid's old, used-up equipment is another kid's brand-new, awesome, awesome equipment.

I don't go in for the high-end gyms with the high-tech equipment and all the fancy stuff.

We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane.

We should be robustly assisting the Free Syrian Army with equipment and also with training.

The more equipment you shlep around the less you will enjoy the equipment you shlep around.

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