Good cheese needs good companions.

Success in life is about obsession

The restaurant industry is brutal.

I've never been a competition guy.

A smile can heal a thousand wounds.

I am actually a very gentle person.

I don't like eating in restaurants.

I'm fascinated by Japanese cuisine.

Any disaster is a learning process.

I love the institution of marriage.

I'm not perfect. I am not Iron Man.

I do most of the cooking in my head.

The greatest dishes are very simple.

I always knew I wanted to be a chef.

With enough butter, anything is good

No one's more important than people.

My favourite dessert is tarte Tatin.

I'm not making art, I'm making sushi

I don't eat anything on an airplane.

I know every movement of my kitchen.

I want to pay homage to Los Angeles.

At my lowest point, I found cooking.

Mackerel is sustainable and healthy.

I do my very best to avoid shark fin.

I'm not afraid to look like an idiot.

Cooking is exactly like making music.

Lifes too short to just breeze on by.

One thing I don't like is complaints.

The right use of food can end hunger.

Eating is the secret to good cooking.

You must have discipline to have fun.

I'm not making art, I'm making sushi.

I'm passionate about pleasing people.

Anyone can make a good roast chicken.

Halva works brilliantly in ice-cream.

The hardest thing for me is restraint.

Drugs didn't work out too well for me.

You've got to give away what you love.

You're only as good as your last dish.

Perfect food is born of perfect order.

Life's too short to just breeze on by.

The Cheesecake Factory's not that bad.

Factory farming's evil; you know that.

In any situation, location is crucial.

I'd like to think I'm a great teacher.

I came up from a difficult background.

As usual, my timing is bizarrely good.

Roberto Donna is a great Italian chef.

Good things, you can't rush into them.

If you're afraid of butter, use cream.

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