I like the hot dogs at Dodger Stadium.

I make food as affordable as possible.

Oh yeah, the 'Chef' movie was awesome.

All Korean food is not just one thing.

Healthy is in the eye of the beholder.

I enjoy meat, but I can do without it.

Food is so heavily connected to memory.

Only Texans and Jews understand brisket

Writing anything is a treason of sorts.

Running a business anywhere isn't easy.

People love kids and kids like to cook.

The future is about a plant-based diet.

Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art.

I went to high school in Orange County.

I want to reshape fast food in America.

I don't really care about job security.

I try not to do anything that's immoral.

I love doing 'Worst Cooks' so very much.

Good food is the basis of true happiness

My father was a successful entrepreneur.

Remember, it is never the knife's fault.

Push your limit to the absolute extreme.

You don't come into cooking to get rich.

Great cooking favors the prepared hands.

Sometimes you need to give dishes a nap.

I spent several years cooking on a line.

Cooking well doesn't mean cooking fancy.

I cherish my beautiful Italian heritage.

You'll never see me at award ceremonies.

Cook more often. Don't study; just cook.

We only get better by pushing ourselves.

People are visual and hands on learners.

The best way to be global is to be local.

It's not sticky unless it touches itself.

Good food and good eating are about risk.

Simple syrup doesn't taste like anything.

In the restaurant it's much more serious.

If you don't follow your dream, who will?

You don't become a chef to become famous.

For me, I do not wish to build an empire.

The problem with Yanks is they are wimps.

Under no circumstances trust a lean cook.

I've cooked just about everything really.

Italians allow anything in their cooking.

I love going to Rodeo Drive with my wife.

I studied cooking in Spain after college.

Oatmeal is a cheap and healthy breakfast.

American cheese is the perfect soft taco.

Tough love is exactly what it sounds like.

Without new ideas success can become stale

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