I want to save my people. That is the purpose of my life

My childhood wasn't full of wonderful culinary memories.

Taleggio is the perfect cheese to melt over a warm dish.

The relentless pursuit of being different is very French.

I am a very eco-friendly chef but a guilty air traveller.

I love bacon, but I don't think we need it on everything.

It's very rarely a good career move to have a conscience.

I'm evangelical on the subject of some chefs and writers.

It's a fallen world. We eat and sacrifice in the process.

It has been stressful to be a French resident in America.

I use the kitchen as a pathway to achieve this happiness.

It's vulgar, coming from where I do, to talk about money.

I only wear red socks in the kitchen. They bring me luck.

The people you listen to are a preview of the future you.

I never try to marry more than three flavors in one dish.

I'm very happy with how Jaleo in Las Vegas came together.

There a great ethnic cuisine available to you in Chicago.

Food is all about the story of a people through the ages.

The service of food is to nurture, to please, to nourish.

The most poisonous source in any kitchen is a chef's ego.

It will always be trendy to do the right thing with food.

What will always remain is love, passion and family time.

I believe in America. I'm one of those silly flag wavers.

The greatest contribution to the Mexican table imaginable

Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key.

My least favorite ingredient to cook with is black pepper.

I don't have to agree with you to like you or respect you.

Everything important I learned, I learned as a dishwasher.

My love of soft, runny cheese - it's impossible to resist.

There's nothing worse than not being excited about a trip.

I'm not a TV guy. I'm a restaurant chef and a businessman.

I had a passion for cooking, and I was a very bad student.

I'm a big believer that we get the politicians we deserve.

I think my virtue was I never thought "This is impossible.

I am a chef who happens to appear on the telly, that's it.

Stay with what's happening locally. It's really important.

The secret of good cooking is, first, having a love of it.

Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself.

I like ties but I prefer not to wear one when I'm nervous.

I never feel lonely in the kitchen. Food is very friendly.

I wouldn't keep him around long if I didn't feed him well.

At the end of the day it's just food, isn't it? Just food.

I think Singapore is one of the great cities of the world.

My two rules of cooking: keep it fresh and keep it simple.

We're working people, and that's what we like to do, work.

TV is a hard thing to do. It's a hard thing to get a show.

It's not about perfection; it's about the joy of striving.

Men with shaved heads are always better. Just ask my wife.

The moment to tell my barber I was gay just never came up.

Kirmizi biber has a sweet aroma and can vary in spiciness.

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